No one hated Jaina

Because they are fel corrupted monsters.

Akiyass is the reason teldrassil burned.


You know if you break into someone’s house, they pull a gun on you, and you turn around and shoot them, you don’t get to plead self defense, right?

“But your honor, he was trying to stop me from robbing him, I had to defend myself!”


Oh look, the Horde is shifting blame rather than taking responsibility for their own actions again…

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Arguing with Akiyass motivates me to fight the Alliance more than anything Blizzard has done.


I imagine the worst of it is how often I am right.

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No, there is a specific reason why I don’t like discussing things with you. You argue even when you agree. You adhere to the lore only when it suits you, and brush it under the rug when it doesn’t, while also maintaining a smug demeanor and claiming your opinions are formulated with evidence, even when the opposite is true. You lie about your personal life and experience, and you are overall unpleasant.


Considering most alliance posters on the story forum have at least some sympathy for their horde compatriots i seriuosly doubt your claim.

Mostly because your arguments often stem from your own sense of ego and emotions instead of the actual lore, meta knowledge or understanding of narrative.


I have a history with that poster. Not sure what that has to do with anything, and not sure what it has to do with the current topic. You’re walking the line between trolling and harassment.

Since when? My thing has always been showing -why- the Horde is awful using the lore. I support my opinions on the Horde, where as most others just want to complain and make declarative statements about Blizzard’s writing.

Since my first memory of one of your post where you said surumar was the only night elf represantation in legion.

Irenaus is one of the calmest, most rational posters on the forum. And considering you apparently mistook him for another poster who happened to be an Undead male, I’m not sure you even actually have a “history”.

You are one of the most obnoxious. And also hypocritical, considering how you frequently deride other posters but call trolling and harassment as soon as they start getting frustrated with you.

Not to mention the time you edited WoWpedia to support your own argument.


Ah, so something I never said. Noted.

I’ve never done this and I have even offered to prove it with the Wowpedia admins. Who I assume have the ability to ban people’s IP. I don’t even have a Wowpedia account.

Now you are out right attacking me and spreading untrue rumors, which is a violation of the forums TOS.

AKiyass is wrong but like it’s funny the way y’all hate her so much but never say the same things about the Sylvanas Loyalists who do the same stuff lmao bro these forums crap me up.

I’ve never done this and I have even offered to prove it with the Wowpedia admins. Who I assume have the ability to ban people’s IP. I don’t even have a Wowpedia account.

By all means, provide for me your proof.

Now you are out right attacking me and spreading untrue rumors, which is a violation of the forums TOS.

But evidently you attacking Irenaus doesn’t count, because apparently his calm presentation of his points to you justified it.

So I see.


I’ll make a Wowpedia account and try to contact the Wowpedia admins then.

It wasn’t an attack, it was an answer to a question. I said I didn’t want to continue discussing something with him, he asked why, I answered.

You may not like the things I say, but I don’t bully people like you do.

Eh, I’m as anti-Sylvanas loyalist as you can get for a Horde player, but I haven’t seen any of the Sylvanas fanboys cross the line into deliberate trolling antagonism designed to provoke actual players (as in, the real players, not in-character avatars) the way she does. The closest guy I can think of is Cailias (sp?), and he out-and-out admits the stuff he says is trolling, and that he’s just leaning hard into the evil Forsaken roleplay. If Aki was just roleplaying really hard (even though that’s supposed to what WET is for, not the Story forum), I could forgive it, but she just keeps making the same two or three easily-dismissed points over and over again and presenting them as irrefutable evidence that she’s “right” in her subjective choice of roleplay, which I find far less charming. I am honestly disappointed that enough people took the bait in this thread, although at this point, it’s nice just to see Kharinak take the gloves off. Hopefully this whole mess will end up locked sooner or later, because threads like this drag the Story forum down into the gutter - which, at this point, is what the OP wants, or so I can only assume from her repeated offending in the trollbait post department.


Deliberate trolling antagonism when?

Typically, that’s correct. That said, this would probably be more akin to trespassing on someone’s unmarked land. In which case, I don’t think that negates self defense if they open fire on you first. From what I remember, you’ll run into different standards between breaking into someone’s home and just being on unmarked property.


Mostly because sylvanas loyalist don’t insult my intelligence.

I don’t give a crap about her fate, she’s a lost cause in the narrative at this point, just do it in a way that doesn’t make the horde fight itself. Assasination, Mak’gora, Exile, Cardiac Arrest, i don’t care just don’t make the horde fight itself and don’t give me calia.


Your thread-starter seems like pretty blatant trolling. You start out with a false assertion that nobody hated Jaina until she hated the horde, and then use that as justification to dismiss players’ irritation of the story with in-universe reasons.