No one hated Jaina

Wrong. Malfurion tried to stop Tyrande from releasing him. To which Tyrande said that only Elune could tell her no. Sadly this was the last time we’d ever see the real Tyrande.

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I love when Horde try to pretend they’re not enjoying doing nothing but getting one victory after another over and over. Even when you “lose” you get to decide how much you lose so that it’s not to uncomfortable for you.

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I cant post videos because I’m not a green text shill but you can literally look up videos of Warcraft 3 on YouTube and watch Tyrande tell Malfurion to go pound sand when he tries to forbid her from releasing Illidan. Your lack of knowledge on the lore isn’t my problem.

I recognize Malfurion was evil and enjoyed the torment that Illidan suffered, and wanted him to never stop suffering.

My point, however, is not incorrect. The only reason Illidan got out was because Tyrande needed his help. Then, Malfurion wanted to put him back into his torture box.

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Oh wow, you’re right. Even though I had thought I disliked Cata/MoP, I guess I actually enjoyed it. Because I clearly have to value the things you say I value, and not the things I think I value in regards to the story.


Of course I enjoy when my faction wins, that’s how it works. I assume on the Alliance you enjoy when you win too. As for deciding anything, let me stop you there.

Am I Blizzard writer? No I’m not. I’m here for the ride, just like you, I don’t control the ride. In fact, I’m already off said ride.


At the end of the day we’re not going to agree on this. If you want to view Warcraft 3 nelves as monsters that’s fine. I’d rather be a monster than the neutered garbage that Blizzard turned them into because the Horde player base cant be uncomfortable and “Muh Human Potential” the only attention we get anymore is either to prop up how amazing humans are or to be slaughter fodder when the Alliance needs to take an L to the Horde.

Really cause your “loss” at the Undercity was as small a loss as possible. Cant even call it a loss compared to the War of Thorns. And your Banshee Waifu got to decide how it was lost.

Sure. Am I Sylvanas? And again, more importantly, am I Blizzard writer? Think about these questions before choosing to respond to me.


I’m going to stop you right there.

Lordaeron was a monumental loss for the Horde for two large reasons (though there are plenty more than two. These are the ones that matter the most IMO.)

  1. Lordaeron is bar none the most important region in Warcraft history due to Warcraft 3. Both factions care about it ostensibly, even if Night Elf purists do not.

  2. The Warchief betrays the Horde by mass murdering, mass damning, and mass enslaving it. This act proves she does not care about us and that we’re only tools for her secret end game. It splinters the Horde, removing one of our racial leaders, while the others are missing until next patch.

Where War of Thorns weaponized Sylvanas against the Alliance, Lordaeron weaponized her against the Horde, then shattered it as a faction.

Now, you might think I’m just knocking Sylvanas here. But I’m knocking Blizzard. The Lordaeron storyline destroyed any opportunity for us to have fun this expansion if we care about the story.


Like Trolls, Night Elves are generally xenophobic, they’ve tamed that tendency towards their Alliance allies just like Trolls have toward the Horde but the tendency is still there.

As far as Broxigar is concerned, only Tyrande had a positive relationship with him. The other Night Elves of the ancient period who did at best only tolerated him, and the bulk of those are long dead. (And since Broxigar wasn’t even a thing in the RTS game/history, it would have to be concluded that the vast majority of Night Elves have no memory or history with the Orcs before Thrall’s landing.

It’s not like Orcs are deserving of any civility anyway. They come into foreign land, desecrating scared ground, killing nature spirts for no reason, and then claim self defense when attacked.

It’s so asinine that it’s barely worth a response. The orcs were an invading force in Ashenvale… they were desecrating sacred ground. When the natives made it clear that they were not welcome, rather than leaving, they drank demon blood.

You are not the good guys in this scenario.

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Yeah, that was the least self-aware thing I’ve ever read on the internet in my entire life, and that is a HIGH bar.


I wish people would acknowledge both the Night Elves and the Horde handled first contact poorly.

The Horde bumbled into Ashenvale and started cutting down trees on orders from Thrall so that they’d have enough lumber to construct a new settlement. When the Night Elves attacked, they slaughtered the elves and went forward with their mission, until Cenarius showed up, and spanked the Warsong so hard that Grom ran with his tail tucked between his legs right back to the Legion.

The Night Elves were needlessly hostile with a force that had no idea even existed. They attacked expecting to drive the brutes off only to be slaughtered, so they had hide behind Cenarius until he turned the conflict around, and Cenarius died because of it.

If the Night Elves had been wise enough to at least warn the Horde before attacking, or the Horde had considered a response aside from violence, maybe Ashenvale wouldn’t have been hosting an ongoing war over trees.


See? You get it. More should be like you.


Honestly, that’s the kind of storytelling that originally drew me to Warcraft lore. The reactions on both sides are understandable; neither is completely at fault, and neither is completely in the right, either.

It makes me sad to see actually good storytelling being used as a bludgeoning weapon in the faction wars.


I don’t think so. That’s how you respond to an invading force.

“The people who value wisdom above all else were not wise enough.” More Horde pointing the finger. No, the orcs are at fault.

The Night Elves should have tried diplomacy and the orcs shouldn’t have drank demons blood, we can acknowledge both things bro. Even still there was a certain honor in their battles reflected in Gromms quote “they are… the perfect warriors” that was thrown out the window in the War of Thorns. The end of WC3 implied both sides had put aside their differences/hatreds. WoW of course kinda changes that and also repeatedly making’ the Horde do stupid evil stuff from WC2 again and disregard diplomacy. If things went by WC3 values the Horde and night elves would be on better terms i think. There is even people who wanted them to be a Horde race in WoW.



They were desecrating sacred ground and they were Fel corrupted. Why would I approach them diplomatically?

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Why not? why not at least say hey these forests are sacred and you need to stop. If they say no then you have your justification for military action. it’s just something you can’t get around bro the night elves chose military action first in this situation… the orcs had no idea at the time anybody was n the forest. and i’m not like treng i don’t think night elves are evil.