No one gets gear through raids anymore. M+ is just so over the top that there are no groups trying to raid

I dont do mythic raids anymore, but i was out gearing heroic 2-3 weeks in on my paladin and just stopped trying to raid once i got my alar trinket. only 1-2 items are BIS in raid. Raid just has a horrible table for the effort.


M+ doesn’t keep me from raids; it’s the cliq’s attitudes that do that:)

Translation: I can’t do mythic but I want easy mythic gear. Doesn’t work that way. They would make that change then you’d complain that killing the first 3 mythic bosses which literally take no brain power to do doesn’t give 233 gear in your vault.

Fun Fact: When you stop hyper-focusing on gear and shift your focus more towards being goal-oriented such as wanting pushing your IO score, PvP rating, or getting boss kills, you end up getting a lot of loot passively, especially when playing with right minded individuals who care more about getting better as a team. If you PUG, expect a glass ceiling and don’t complain when it’s lower than you thought.

IMO the ONLY problem with current m+ vs raiding gear system is the first few weeks of a new tier. M+ gear is so powerful when you can access it before stepping into raids. Or when you get a vault item (such as a weapon or trinket) before you even progress far enough to kill a raid boss that can drop such items. Once you’re decently far into the raid, gear ramps up pretty fast, especially in a guild run where people are trading around stuff they don’t need. My characters are all mostly equipped with raid items. It also takes more time to grind valour or unlock multiple m+ vault slots than it does to clear the raid.

For heroic-only raiders, the balance tips a little because you’re just playing the vault game. You’ll never get 226 items until the m+ vault gives them to you. So maybe +14s are too easy if that’s your endgame, but previous iteration of the vault rewarded you disproportionately for m+ as well. Either way… if you’re gearing up from vault alone, it shouldn’t really matter. It takes a long time and you’re well behind the curve if you’re not participating in content that rewards similar gear anyway.

Low IQ poster telling everyone else they’re low IQ… just delete the post and stop your crying. No one cares about your sob story.

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Your points are being challenged, and now you’re resorting to calling everyone stupid instead of defending your position. Amazing.


I hope they leave it. You made an argument that didn’t hold any weight. Now you got a slap of reality and want to run and hide. Why am I not surprised by this attitude? Seems to go hand in hand with wanting crazy rewards for whatever it is you do.
It’s been given to you clear as crystal, so going down the ad hominem path is not only annoying, but proof you don’t understand what you’re saying.


I love the idea of raiding; what puts me off is the cliqqish attitudes of guilds I joined & how if you outperform them you’re excluded.

My issue is that Sire who has the items I want most hasnt dropped my any other then a conduit and pet every single week since ive killed him.
I no longer need the weapon as much thatks to M+ but dang it I want the trinket but at this point I’ll probly get the ones I need from PF and DOS at this rate.

Unless its mythic raid yeah…its just not worth the time and takes less people.

There’s an actual benefit to M+ being the primary source of gearing through the Great Vault because guilds can lock out for progression and not worry about not getting anymore gear upgrade.s

Lmao what? Do you want somebody to overperform so they can carry on fights?