No one does keys anymore?

I havent done any keys since Legion. After the few times I pugged 'em, I said no more, unless it’s with a guild etc which haven’t found one so meh.

I think it depends on the affixes and it’s best to do it tuesday/wed.
Not to mention we’re in a between major patch/tier drought so less people playing 'till new raid hits.

Dude, idk how you still play this game. Last time I remember you on the forums all you did was complain. Why don’t you just quit already?

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A lot of us are just coasting until legion TW and 9.2. Ever since I got KSM and curve it’s almost impossible for me to log on for more than an hour. Even been playing classic.

i’ve run 9 so far this week on my shaman, a couple on my monk, one on my dh, etc.


This is because subs are at an all time low, the expansion is waning, and it’s a Sunday. If you’re trying to pug keys over +13 today, particularly on Alliance, you’re probably going to either die a lot or just never find a group.

right now there are a ton of new games and other games releasing new content

meanwhile wow has nothing except 9.1.5 which was some small QoL changes, but really zero new content

there’s a lotta reasons to take a break from wow right now

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I’ve noticed that Korthia has been super empty recently. I was on later in the day and generally there’s a lot of people there, but the other day there were 3 Alliance in the zone. I never saw a Hordie at all. Luckily, I alway tank Korthia, so I was able to get things done, but the lack of folks was telling.


On what server? Please.