When people try to send me mail in game they get a message that says ‘internal mail database error’ and can’t send it. This happens 99.99% of the time. I often get a similar message when I ‘open all’ mail.
I can get mail from the AH and from CODs I send. I can get and send mail without issue to my alts.
I have tried dumping all my addons (not just disabling but emptying the folder too) and emptying the cache.
This has been happening for a year. Blizzard support says there is nothing they can do and my only hope is a developer here deciding to look into it.
This is seriously impacting a game I pay as much for as everyone else. Please help!
Is there anything about the 0.01% of the time you can see that stands out? Do you have any steps to reproduce it?
Anyway, you may wish to post in the Customer Support forums for customer support help with this issue, if you keep experiencing it.
Nothing I can see. Possibly, as strange as it sounds, when I am out of Stormwind. I play the AH a lot so I am mainly in the city.
I started with Customer Support. They suggested a few things. I tried the few things and failed. They said that was all they had, there was nothing they could do and I should put a post here and hope a Developer decides to look into it.
That’s an interesting predicament! Is this the character you’re having this issue with (or rather, people attempting to send mail to this character are having issues with)? Grooella-Ashkandi? Since it’s a level 60 character, are you on Classic or Cata Classic?
This character and all alts and they are all on the same server.
OK. So, the Ashkandi server is on the Mankrik cluster, from what I can see:
Are you experiencing this when trying to send mail to yourself from an alt, and are your friends also experiencing this when trying to send you or your alts mail while their characters are also on Mankrik - or is it from one of the connected servers?
Yes, Ashkandi. And the .01% of the time I did get mail it wasn’t from folks also on the Ashkandi server. They were from various other servers.
That’s interesting! Good to note, also.
I get mail from my alts fine but no friend or guild mates or anyone other than my alts can send me mail. (other than AH mail and COD payments from other players)
I tried creating a new character on Ashkandi. I walked into Stormwind and attempted to send mail both to Grooella and to Grooella-Ashkandi. Either way, I was able to replicate the same issue of seeing “Internal mail database error.” and being unable to send mail.
Not sure if video is helpful, but just in case, here’s what I tried:
Wow, thanks! I appreciate you taking an interest. I haven’t ever actually ‘seen’ the error before. Just the complaints of other about it. I wish your interest was enough to fix it. 
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