Indeed. Plenty of resources online if they want to learn.
I agree that it’s probably a business decision by people who aren’t affected by or perhaps don’t even realise the end result, hence the lobbying.
Indeed. Plenty of resources online if they want to learn.
I agree that it’s probably a business decision by people who aren’t affected by or perhaps don’t even realise the end result, hence the lobbying.
LA/BR dont have dedicated servers, instead theyr realms are hosted in Chicago and im very sure that is in USA
I know. That’s the point.
Oceanic server latency is pretty much unplayable to us in LA/BR, since the route to OCE server goes through the US, effectively doubling or more in value (going from 98-180ms to 320-500+ ms).
What does that have to do with OCE player latency in Plunderstorm? (the topic of this thread)
As an OCE player, I’ve gotten used to the lack of care from Activision-Blizzard-Microsoft over the years. When they added an OCE server cluster things were fun and we had enough people to keep the servers full and running, then over time as all the servers got connected to each other, OCE servers started to expire and the player base just moved back to US servers as dungeons and raids were based there 90% of the time.
Plunderstorm? Why give us server space for something that is limited time? We barely have enough functioning servers for the main game.
Everything, if it becomes a solution that impacts the rest of the playerbase by having non-OCE players allocated in OCE instances, specially us in LA/BR.
We would be much worse off than OCE players, when put into OCE instances (as we are right now), than OCE players in US instances, since our shortest routes to OCE servers go through the US.
We have this situation right now:
I mean, I know it’s bad for you, but it would be far worse for us, unless it’s all self-contained servers (OCE vs OCE only), which I don’t think would be very good for queue times in Blizzard’s PoV, and they don’t really enjoy letting the playerbase “choose their poison”.
I already have to drop any OCE instance, PvP or PvE, if I don’t want to be a liability to the team or have a terrible time. Looting 3 items takes 5 seconds. In PvP, it’s completely impossible to interrupt juked casts.
We’d just be free kills in Plunderstorm, which is already bad with even our moderate latency.
I think you need a separate thread for this. This thread just asking for OCE servers for Plunderstorm. For raids and M+, we can tag our listings with “OCE” and use an addon to show which geography applicants are from to decide who to invite.
but for any queued content people have no choice and get put onto your servers for dungeons - I only did plunderstorm two times but I think that is que content.
Yeah. I’m not sure why people even thought they might get their own server. I’ve been playing the oceanic realms for years and it’s always been neglected. It’s amusing to me that others thought something might happen lol
This. Dungeons AND PvP.
Getting a Random BG or Dungeon in an OCE instance just means I gotta take the 15/30min deserter L.
As an oce player I can’t think of a single time I’ve been placed in a non oce instance for queued content. Every single BG/arena/random dungeon/LFR I do is an oce instance no matter what time of day I play. Are you sure you’re being placed into out-of-region servers and not just laggy ones?
Oh I’m sure, and it’s very easy to notice.
Check the leader.
99.9% of the time, the instance will be on the instance leader’s server.
In BGs it’s trickier since there are 2 teams, but the same rule applies.
It’s either the horde or the alliance team leader’s server.