No news this week better luck next week

Just figured I’d post this here, if you look at all the blue posts they are before 12:00 CST, its now 1:20. So don’t waste your time hitting refresh, there is more to do in the world… of not warcraft.

You’re breaking our heart.

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Bornakk posted an update on the PVP post though. So there was a blue “post”.



OP, didn’t you tell us to bank on a blue post today? :thinking:

I got my hopes up when I checked the blue tracker and saw a recent blue post.

I was bamboozled again!

Didn’t kaivax once post on a saturday evening?

We still have Friday.

Are they really going to leave us hanging like this all through Easter? :frowning:

No news for the easter? that would be sooo lame.

apparently they are datamining the leaked files from the “beta,” there will be leaks stuff over this weekend from MMO and WoWhead for sure.

we already have the datamined Log in screen. Take a look, it brings back memories!

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Since I can’t post links, here’s the Settings screen.

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ty for the info btw :slight_smile:

Can we say anything about the weather effects based on this? I’m not familiar with the modern options…

Is today the day?