Beta Build Deployment works!

The latest build deploys cleanly according to the dataminers.


Did it hurt?

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Well, it is time then to bid farewell to the last bit of social life I have.

Since the Classic announcement, I have prepared myself for this day. Left my wife, gave her the kids, used their rooms as food & beverage storage… I am ready


I’ll do anything to get in

are u able to enter the game or datamine any info from this?

Some minor changes to tools are required, but yeah.

Bravo. Keep us updated man. Tell us what’s up the beta when u figure it out.

I have an actual job so that takes priority, but I’ll probably be able to dig up some stuff tonight if WoWHead/MMOC haven’t yet (and they likely will have).

Aww yiss. At least we will get some stuff over the weekend?

I’d assume so. If not from Marlamin, then from WoWHead and MMO Champ.

Here’s the login screen without having to C&P and leave.

Oh, also:




Now that I’ve calmed down… time to double check that my beta preferences are set right for all of my accounts.

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Ah, datamining birbs at it again I see.

Now we just gotta suffer while waiting patiently guys we can do it.

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I’m typically no changes, but…

They really need to update the copyright year on that login screen.

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Nope. It’s already been registered. TIme to find out who owns WoW Classic now.

Activision Blizzard does. They bought it from Blizzard Entertainment.

Who are those guys? I think I heard their names before. :grin:

Some faceless corporation filled with untrustworthy corporate shills, who’d never do anything for the fanbase.


goosebumps, super hyped just seeing that.

Well, they did greenlight classic. I’d call that “doing something for the fanbase.”


I’m wasting way too much time just waiting for news… if only a blue could say something so we can stop refreshing pages.

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Bornakk even posted in the PvP Content Plan thread an hour ago with something unrelated to the beta client.

They’re just teasing us at this point.

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The /sarcasm was implied.

To be fair, he was correcting a gross mis-characterization about his own personal knowledge of the game.