No New Customizations is the "Don't you guys have phones" of 2021

It’s a game-wide problem, and all you have to do is look at the holiday events to realise this has been their development strategy for a decade or more. While their competitors create new holiday events every year, Blizzard sticks a hearthstone toy - if we’re lucky - in an event that’s been exactly the same since 2008 and calls it done.

It’s like there’s an active resentment for ANY gameplay that isn’t raids and dungeons.


Again, not saying you are wrong for being passionate or wanting more customization. Or even for wanting it this expansion. But I am just saying it was not promised, even if it sucks.

Personally I deal with this type of corporate speech all the time at work so I am well aware that “ongoing focus” or “continued goals” are just vague and ambiguous terms that mean they will get to it when they get to it.


If more people actually bothered playing those races, then it would actually be worth doing. Again, wasting resources on something barely anyone would notice.

Are you sure about that?

“Whenever possible, we’ll keep expanding on [customization],” Cannon said in an interview with Polygon. “We’re really, really happy with what we’ve achieved so far and super positive that the community is so positive about that.”

“I think we’re going down the list of races that haven’t been updated yet, getting them into alpha — soon to be beta,” says World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas. “But that’s an effort that’s gonna continue after Shadowlands is out the door.”

Keep trying to make stuff up though to bend the narrative to fit you’re false claims there. Keep simping maybe you’ll get voted to discord mod when you ss all your fanboying. lmfao.


This is the truth. No one raids, M+, or does pvp. It’s all about pet battles, tmog and hair styles.


Heck yeah. Pet battle pvp is my jam.

So when they should have said. “We’re not adding that in SLs”

but they didn’t… so its a lie of omission.

Sure they’re considering it for later, maybe. But they never were for the expansion where they introduced it, knew everyone was asking for it, and expected it to be in. Since you know. its a feature of SLs.

Either you’re purposely misreading it yourself or you’re trolling.


Oh. I was actually kidding. I find it sad that they announce new raid, new gear system, new mega dungeon, mounts, tmog, torgh changes, etc.

And people rage about hair color options.

THANK YOU! You quoted the whole thing this time, you see that part about alpha and beta? Now think of the timeline from when this interview was, and when the release of the game was delayed, and then when prepatch was(When the customization was added). The timeline still adds up, if you actually took into consideration that there were delays of actual launch, maybe you’d realize that it’s a very very high chance that these ARE the customizations they were working on that were meant to release at launch.

Swear to god this is another veiled ‘High Elf’ thread.

To be fair. Its not hair color that has me disappointed. I just wanted the tail options normal draenei got for LFD. I’m sure there are other options for allied races that require 0 work. LFD, and normal draenei use the same rigs animations and pretty much everything but skin tones (Some they share I think) so its something that takes almost 0 work.


It just makes no sense from a customer satisfaction point if view.

They made vague optimistic promises when selling the expac during bfa

The customizations were well-liked and well-received

Adding a few hairstyles or earrings isnt hard by any account…

So… no new content?
It’s like removing the entire blizzard store and wondering why profits have dropped. This is a no-brainer people pleaser. It really really doesnt take away from new zones and raids. And if you’re working on such a skeleton crew for the one of the most profitable games… hire one more artist!

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Right, but there was an implied tradeoff that was actively encouraged. Same thing happened with BfA and class tier sets, where they say they’re not doing something for X reason, and then that reason turns out to be barely above a lie.

We didn’t get a new class or a new race this expansion, because it was implied, and all but outright stated, that the tradeoff was a customization overhaul. But what we got was at most a base, most of it was just stuff imported from Death Knights, Demon Hunters, or even just hairstyles that had been sitting for years, already made. Many of them are entirely static, with no physics, just a model, no movements at all.

Moreover, as I linked above, they’re perfectly capable of making new options even now, which is why it’s so strange to me. There’s a ‘new’ hairstyle for human females, right there, but they’re not going to add that? Where exactly are the extra resources ‘freed up’ from no new races, allied races, or class going?


And not only that, I’m not bending anything. When a corporate company says “Whenever possible” and “Ongoing focus” It DEFINITELY does not mean it’s coming soon. And anyone who thinks it does mean that, is delusional.

Night Elf players: You always were.


Please stop replying to the orc in the clown mog with less than 50 posts on the forums. Actually, the worgen too, they have under 20 posts in the forums and most of those, if not all, are just this thread.

They’re only here for one reason.


So you took vague optimism for specific guarantees?

Yea, it’s totally the developers fault for not mind-reading your expectations.

Lol keep defending it. That just means they had all the extra time in the world to say way before SL launched. That what they previously said wasn’t going to be a focus anymore. Rather than waiting months into the game. Like stated above. It’s a lie of omission. Its misleading. They said nothing in the what year, or more they had. To say that its not going to happen.

Stop trying to bend words to fit your argument.

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So no Nightborne Customization? breaks skateboard


Oh no, people with different opinions pointing out our flawed argument.
