It annoys me to no end that people can complain for years…and years…and years about class tuning, PvP, and PvE content, and the one time the RP community is thrown a bone, led on by “it’ll be an ongoing focus” and “this is just the beginning”, then is let down, people scream that we’re entitled.
I know I’m repeating myself at this point. But they asked for feedback. We gave the feedback. They’re plugging their ears like we aren’t, but these forums are full of ideas that apparently they didn’t even give a second glance to.
Yet, again, people are shoving in our faces that “oh this is more important than your dress up” and “oh stop complaining” while in the same breath, constantly complaining about the content they like.
Sit down. Now. There are different aspects of the game people enjoy, and all of us are valid. Just because this isn’t raiding content that you all are obsessed with doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. I don’t care about raids but you don’t see me hopping on threads with complaints saying “Stop being entitled”.
It’s so bloody boggling. This mentality of “You’re not allowed to be upset, only I am” is so frustrating, it’s unreal.
We’re not asking for some giant overhaul, we’re not asking for everything right this second. I don’t understand why people can’t comprehend that waiting 2+ years for an ‘ongoing focus’ and for our feedback to be implemented maybe is ridiculous, while other parts of the community get a constant flow of content.