No New Customizations is the "Don't you guys have phones" of 2021

It seems an awful lot like gas-lighting. Either they are incredibly ignorant and live under a rock outside working hours and are forbidden from viewing reddit, these forums, etc during work hours OR they see them and dismiss us and have the audacity to say we haven’t said anything.

I suppose the other option is that they have no control over the matter, cannot address it and the least painful way for them is to pretend we haven’t voiced it because they can’t or won’t say “corporate won’t give us permission to do this”.


I think I’d be angrier about this if I just wasn’t numb to this sort of thing by now.

Or maybe I’m just more interested in Diablo 2 Resurrected at this point. Kind of feels like something to be more invested in than WoW. At least we know what we’re getting with Diablo 2.


The fur colours arent even new, they’re just death knight options.


They just added a metric ton of character customization for shadowlands prepatch what are you on about?


All I could think was “foot, meet mouth.”

You could see the hesitation when he discussed it, like he knew it was a bad choice.


Yeah, this is absolute nonsense. And I have a source. :slight_smile:

Art director Ely Cannon notes that the team’s “main priority” is on creating endgame content, new zones, mechanics, and bosses, but cosmetics will remain an ongoing focus.

“Whenever possible, we’ll keep expanding on [customization],” Cannon said in an interview with Polygon. “We’re really, really happy with what we’ve achieved so far and super positive that the community is so positive about that.”




Any plans for more Customizations?

Jeremy Feasel said:

Nothing in the short term but we’re always looking for ideas from players, so please continue to submit your ideas for things that you’d like to see.

No point in sharing any feedback if they’re going back on that. Short term is 9.0.5 and 9.1. We’re not getting anything for Shadowlands at all, based on the recent QnA.

Another wild edit appears!

Dawson said: “Ultimately, just to do it right took a massive undertaking, and a lot of development time, and we wanted to make sure that we committed to that in Shadowlands.”

“This is just the beginning for our character customization, I’m sure there will be more hair styles and eye colors, different things that we add throughout the course of what we’re learning from what people want in the community as a result of that.”

The team are incredibly proud of and happy with the additions for players in being able to express their fantasy, with Dawson adding: “We hit the mark, there’s still more to go, but we hit the mark.”

They need to stop lying, and they need to stop doing this carrot-on-the-stick nonsense and start listening.


Yep! That’s what I’ve been linking people to all day. It’s annoying seeing so many people make things up and run with them so easily. I see you’re on WRA… I can only imagine how it is over there, and if it’s as bad as it is here on MG.


You think you do but you don’t want character customizations


waves hand

These aren’t the droids you’re looking for!

  1. it wasnt done equally across the board. Humans, elves, orcs, and undead got tons of options. Races like pandas and gnomes got 1-2 hairstyles. Nightborne males, the ugliest, lowest-choice and least developed player model got absolutely nothing.
    Vulpera, which are hugely popular, got no fixes to their graphic bugs.

  2. we were promised that this was an ongoing focus. Just like how it was cleverly worded when the barbershop in wrath came out. I was there. I read the pr. We were promised updates, then ghosted.


Maybe pay attention to the quote that you’re linking, then, because they said right there it would be an ‘ongoing focus’. No one here is demanding they stop making raids/dungeon content for customization. No one here is expecting it for 9.1. I’ve accepted that yeah, we wouldn’t be getting anything for 9.0.5 or 9.1.

But they didn’t say that in the QnA. They said "No customizations for Shadowlands.

Meaning they will not remain an ongoing focus.

They did lie. You’re just twisting this in your own way. And no one is saying that it’d be the main focus, either. They are saying Blizzard lied about it being a focus, which they said in that quote, along with that other stuff. Side content, yes, added little by little and with feedback.

But now, we’re getting nothing at all for the entirety of Shadowlands. I can’t believe I have to spell out why people are upset, but here we are.

We got hyped and excited they’d listen to our feedback, and they encouraged us to give it. Now, there is literally no point.


During the Q&A not too long ago when customization question came up. They’re not doing it anytime soon, but their tone was like 100% not truly interested. They’re satisfied with what they gave us that’s about it making it sound “we did what you wanted now leave us alone for the time being”. They wanna focus on content which is fine, but customization adds more flavor to the content killing two birds with one stone.


I honestly think they’ve just been purposely ignoring virtually all of that feedback just so they could call it quits. For some reason it seems like they don’t want to add more customization stuff, even though it’s a stupidly easy way to please the playerbase.


Do you think they actually WANT a future? Because it seems to me that they are just going to remake and re-release old games and phone games and put WoW into raid and M+ only mode.


Blizzard mentality: it wasn’t enough to go after our main audience and demean them. We have low subscriber numbers. Look at the amount of people watching Blizzcon for some type of reference. (Numbers) Please let us offend the remainder of our customerbase further. (By not fulfilling our obligations that we promised)

We think there is no repercussions of losing our customerbase overtime. As we are still currently making profit… (which is nowhere near what they can be making if they actually valued their customers) I don’t understand when Blizzard stopped acting like a business.


Ongoing focus does not mean “we’re gonna do this and only this for the next 2 years” he told us they were giving us majority of the customizations at launch, and the rest would potentially come after. And we got a ton during prepatch because the launch was delayed. You all have to stop taking words out of context to fit your own narratives and wants. Use your heads and ACTUALLY read what was said. You quote “We’ll keep expanding” and then remove the first part that gives context to the actual answer. You know, the “WHEN POSSIBLE”? For crying out loud. Go read a book.


Rofl, enough. Now you’re moving to insults. I’ve written several books, actually.

I also know what I’m talking about, and I didn’t take the quote out of context one bit. It’s all right there–and if you refuse to see it, that’s fine.

But if you’re going to devolve into insults, you’ve lost. This conversation is over. You’re not going to see it, very clearly, and I’ve spelled it out for you. So :woman_shrugging:


If you write books, then you know how important it is to not skip lines and words in a sentence. Because, you know that’s how sentences work. You don’t just pick and choose which words you read to make it something else. He clearly said “when possible” and ‘when possible’ does not mean, when you want it.


Is Baldur’s Gate 3 out of development yet? I know there’s early access, but I mean the full version. I could use a real RPG right about now.


No, but it did get an update with the druid class though.