No new customers for wow

Reminder that final fantasy 14 will die and shut down long before WoW as it’s much less popular so until I see that happen I’m not gonna worry about it.

The last one until Microsoft takes over, yes.


oh yawn. lmao…go play FF14 guy…be happy.


No new customers for WoW

Wow you should really let their retail data analysts know that. They could save so much money getting rid of a division of their company. We can just have Graveclaw consult for them. What time is good for you? Between 3rd and 4th period or do you like the idea of skipping gym so you don’t hafta shower in front of others?

Agreed. I don’t see them being able to fix all of this that quickly. :slightly_frowning_face:


Is it doom and gloom times already? Must be close to the new expansion.

hi im new :grin:


I think they targeting for people to come back rather than new customers

Yup wow has been dying since 2004.

Whatever’s coming after DF is already in development, so…not likely.

I can remember when it was popular for people to wear sandwich boards that said “Repent, the end of time is coming” or words to that effect. In fact there was a popular cartoon in the news papers based on that idea.

Then there was the Hale/Bopp cult that believed there was a space ship hiding behind the comet that would take them away.

There will always be doom and gloom people predicting the worst.

For me it was pretty hard to get into. I came in the Dreanor expansion but was cursed at a lot in pvp as a Paladin. Skipped legion sadly due to personal issues, came in BFA and started tanking much like you. Got tired of the player base hate on tanks and jumped to Hunter, then got tired of being called a huntard, jumped on warrior and last but not least had a ton of fun on a rogue. Tanking is definitely more new player friendly then being a dps but the player base makes it a mental challenge. I did however get comfortable with hot bars and such and was able to effectively dps after that. I’d call tanking a good training ground just fyi.

Say it enough times (about 306,144 times since Vanilla by my count) and it will eventually come true.


How is this game not new player-friendly? FFXIV and SWTOR among plenty of other mmos are a lot less new player friendly.

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Nostradamus is that you? Turns out you were wrong about the year 2,000.

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cough wow tokens, cough cough name change tokens, faction changes.

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Add Second Life to that list. WOW is extremely new player friendly. Look for the yellow “!”, do the quest, then look for the yellow “?”. By the time your new toon hits Chromie time you should be ready for simple dungeons then off you go.

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Idk to me dpsing as a new player is significantly worse since you have 1 job, and failing at that 1 job means you are entirely useless.
Ehh oh welll, i also just didnt really care what people say in video games soo never really phased me.

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I’m aware of them and it’s still slow compared to the others.

That’s why I said starting with tanking is good training ground. Also mage tower of you can withstand the frustration.