No new customers for wow

This is the last expansion for sure.


And nobody learned anything.


Call you pull the winning lotto numbers out of that crystal ball for me please :slight_smile:


Well, the game definitely is not new player-friendly, but I don’t think it will be the last expansion.


Absolutely. 9, 27, 31, 40, 47, 53

Oh, you wanted them to be provably correct? Yeah, sorry, can’t help there - metaphor for the GD forum.


Ehh idk when i started in bfa i heard the whole thing about wow not being new player friendly annd started tanking m+ not too long after starting, this game really isnt that hard.
Id say most other games that are popular are much harder to get into properly.

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Not the last expansion, though the amount of new players that come in is small, it occurs. However, the amount of bugs my friends had even for the ‘new’ starting zone including the infamous disconnect every time you move on the boat and you have to delete the character and restart one definitely isn’t doing them any favors. Where they have opted to not fix it but instead make a support article -


I’ll never understand why people like being wrong so much.


Because this is gaining OP attention; each expansion there’s doomsayers (A 2-Mana 0/7 that clears the board when left alive!); each expansion they’re proven wrong.

What I will throw my two-cents in; is that the player numbers are dwindling, that much cannot be overstated. A pay-to-play on top of everything else, even for returning Classic players, has become dated.

This isn’t 2006 anymore; Blizzard chooses to either let you play the AH to keep playing “For free” (but turning the game into a job; Mythic+ runs, etc), or pay to play each chunk of now 2-months at a time, unless you are quick-draw on your monthly sub to cancel after X amount of days. The company, be whatever anyone wants to say, has not ‘evolved with the times’. Overwatch 2? No one asked or needed that. Diablo Immortal? Would’ve been better announced -after- Diablo IV. Heroes, and Starcraft II are dead in the water aside from a glancing eye to make sure no one’s getting too cheeky.

Making WoW 1-time-buy (ESO, FO76) or whatever mechanic Guild Wars implements (Never played, personally) would likely boost a small chunk of players new and returning. But as was said earlier in the topic, our new-player interactions are belligerent at best, and abusive at worst. People are too jaded and harp on people wanting to make silly moments or stop taking the game (and its world) seriously.

World of Warcraft’s once teens are now parents themselves, and without some form of new-age method of keeping a playerbase, it will eventually fall further and further. Not suddenly, or drastically, but those who remain will be only those treating the game like a job, and grumble the “Would be better if”.

TL;DR: This game has a twenty year lifespan at least. Blizzard is likely overdue a change of leadership internally. In the end, all the stories have to wrap up. Let us, all of us, as fans of this game for as long as some have been, enjoy it while we can, with the friends we’ve all made along the way.

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As it has been accurately stated since the beginning of time, WoW losing its subscription model would force them to do actual pay-to-win mechanics to maintain profits and ruin the game immediately.

You’re no different than OP. WoW is doing just fine.

I haven’t stuck around since beta-vanilla to ever agree with that accusation.

It wouldn’t “force” any hand of that kind. They, as a company (which then devolves the conversation into how it would/should/could be run), have that merit of choice to do that if it were to happen.

I’m no ‘doomer’ here, either. I’d white-knight this game until I was ever perma-banned. But the hopes that it has a forever reign is delusional optimism.

so you believe blizzard went thru all this trouble trying to redeem themselves with DF, even putting in the work to come up with new flight dynamics and seriously upgraded professions
just to lay the game down and call it quits? lol

Seriously guy. They clearly INTEND to keep this cash cow going for as long as they can milk it out.
The player base or technology will be what kills WoW eventually.

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Nah. Everquest is still going, approaching 30 years later. They might cut back on content patches or combine servers but WoW more than pays for itself enough to keep it going indefinitely.

This is the only likely scenario, if the face of gaming and the way we interact with it changes enough - for example, with viable and affordable VR - that Blizzard would need to make a whole new game to account for it.

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As long as that game isn’t a Overwatch MMO. Lets hope that Blizzcon 2023 has some sparks.

You should see the amount of bugs I’ve come across just in the starter areas of the Dragon Isles.

You literally can’t even move forward with questlines right now, because of the bugged stuff.

pretty much what Im figuring. The playerbase has proven over the years they’ll eventually put up with just about anything to keep playing the game they love.
Ive got a box of old games that I cant get to run anymore even with emulators.
They’ll try to run but dont work well enough to actually play.

Yup. We’re all waiting for the next WoW killer to come out in a gaming genre that itself has grown stagnant and no longer the blockbuster money earners they used to be to end WoWs suffering.

This game is no longer a cash cow. It’s slow money compared to the other casino games.

Loot boxes quarterly expansions unlimited items to buy.

Why would the new generation or at least a majority portion of them want to step into this dinosaur game?

Sure you may get the odd one but not enough to keep it going.


Yes which is exactly why I think it’s way too early a date for the expansion to come out as good.

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World of Starcraft yeah baby!