No New Allied Races in Dragonflight CONFIRMED!

i hope for the sake of new players that allied races never happen again… new player logs into game, sees someone playing a dark iron dwarf, thinks they look cool and wanna play it…sorry no, you have to do a bunch of old irrelevant content after levelling a character to max level.

which one would you want

No Gnolls.

0/10 Worst expansion yet

See I actually like this idea. On private RP servers in the past, that’s how it was handled - people morphing into things like Ogres or Gnolls to play were the exceptions, rather than the rule. If Blizzard could do something similar (or at least some toys without ridiculous;y low run times/stupidly long cooldowns, like the Saberon one from WoD that only lasts like 5-10 minutes but takes like 30 minutes - 1 hour to cool down) then that’d kick all kinds of a s s.

Good, we have enough races. Work on customization of the races we have instead.


Why not both, though? Even with everything that’s happened, Blizzard is still a AAA company with more money than god - they just need to prioritize things better.

Not enough people or money.

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Just one more shout out to blizzard that I hope they change their minds on these

They can shelf them until they are more unique.

I would prefer that they don’t dance the same as every other race that shares the skeleton.
It sounds petty, but I still see a skinny NIght Elf with the NIghtborne.

what if in order to transform into a dragon you needed to be tickled

I’m now kinda wondering if they are planning to add playable Earthen.
I mean, they could just be hinting at an NPC race, but why bother talking about it before hand instead of us just running into them.

Observational Report : Earthen
Talks about a group of earthen sent to a sector to investigate a fissure, sector is being called Khaz Algar and the Earthen there are now exhibiting the similar behaviors/language as dwarves but still being Earthen.

Be a cool way to introduce some as playable, even just as skins and such instead of the full Allied Race treatment, which would be better.

Here’s dwarves but they’re stony.

Wouldn’t surprise me if this is something we encounter in the Underground patch of the expansion, possibly with old Black Empire ruins and such.

Maybe their attempt to go back and do Ahn’Qiraj as a zone that they didn’t get to do, but using the idea on something different?

My guess would be the 10.1 zone. Underground caverns with an Earthen rep faction.

We got a new race, so no complaints from me other than they need to finish race armor sets.


Oh my god I’ve been trying to find the correct spelling for this word forever! I’ve always spelled it as “Forbaitem” :sob:

… And because I’ve only ever heard it and have never seen it actually written, I had no idea how it was spelled.

All of those are garbage and I am glad they are not coming.

I mean, we already have Dracthyr, so…
Dracthyr are only slightly better because they have wings and Drakonid don’t, but Drakonid definitely have an edge because they can be buff.

We are honestly good on playable races. A little bit saturated with reskinned models, but we’re fine.

Every time he says no allied race it makes me not want to play WoW. I’d rather have full core races instead of allied races but if it is allied or nothing, I’m going to pick allied every time. I love getting new races. So many in the WoW world and we have so few as playable. :frowning:

I still want playable ogres. And instead of all these reskins they could’ve given us more customizations for each of those races.

And I would rather have:

  • Mok’nathal instead of Mag’har.
  • Sethrak instead of Vulpera.
  • Ogres instead of HM Tauren.
  • Forest trolls instead of Zandalari because forest trolls are big 'ol jacked trolls and not thin little things and they are a core race like Ogres.
  • Drakonids instead of Dracthyr.
  • Murlocs instead of Pandareans.
  • Hozen instead of Nightborne

To each their own.


We got drakonids… They’re called Dracthyr…

They are two separate things. They are not the same.

Drakonids are normally guards/soldiers for the dragon flights and Dracthyr were made by Netharion. I don’t think Drakonids have wings, can’t fly/soar and are bulkier.

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We have four flavours of Elf. There’s room for two draconic races. :slight_smile:
Especially when Drakonids would be the answer to the most prevalent issues people have with Dracthyr. They’re bulky. They’d have a degree of sexual dimorphism. And they’d have access to a tank class or two.

I tend to choose draconic races whenever available in my RPGs. In DnD, for example, I grew quite find of my Dragonborn Paladin. That fantasy is entirely absent - Dracthyr do not fill that void. And that’s okay. They shouldn’t be contorted to fill it when they have a perfect choice just waiting to be made playable.


the list of “we have no plans for…” is getting longer by the expac. so far its -

no player or guild housing
no allied races
no heritage gear for races who are missing it
no customizations for core or allied races
its getting smaller and smaller


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nobody cares. everybodys playing and enjoying dracthyr