No New Allied Races in Dragonflight CONFIRMED!

Except the people that enjoy tanking. They’re trying to contort the Evoker class and Dracthyr race into a role they were never designed for.

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Drakonids are Drakonids.
Dracthyr are Dracthyr.
Dragonspawn are Dragonspawn.
Dragons are Dragons.
All are Dragonkin.

This. It’s like saying Erectus and Sapiens are the same. No. They are two branches of the same group (can’t say the part between them because it’s censored lol).

Probably for the best. Till they figure out a better unlock requirement outside of what they did in bfa/legion then adding in more allied races would be a bad idea

Thr player housing system makes sense atlest since they will have to out in alot of reasources to make that a reality for how old wow is

Good. They need to focus on game mechanics, gameplay, and endgame stuff.


Honestly the only one id want replacements of would be the 8.2 ones

Mechagnomes should have been the wrath ones and not the ones we got

And the vulpera should have been gilblins since it made sense and kinda went with alliance getting mechagnomes from the other cotent island from the same patch


That’s what I’m thinking as well.
Maybe it’ll unlock some skins as well. Be nice to have it fleshed HEHE out more, but like the dark rangers, skins are simpler. The book setting it up as dwarves but stony kinda sounds that way.

If they were doing it right, they’d just do them all. Really no reason not to keep adding races that players want. There’s a whole list that make sense and would be well loved.


Blizz reminds me of SWTOR as far as releasing playable races. Both universes have so many cool races that players want, and they end up releasing so few and half the time ones that just come out of left field.

I agree with you in that if they did it right, we should have them all, but they obviously still aren’t getting the hint. I wanted playable Wolvar in WotLK I liked them that much. Just feel bad for players, like myself, that have wanted Ogres, Forest Trolls and Drakonids since TBC and WotLK.

Everyone should be able to play the race they want. I am just happy for whomever wanted Dracthyr. Enjoy.

To each their own.


Omg imagine if they gave us playable wolvar but still had that daily quest to steal 12 pups every day and stuff them in a bag.

That quest still makes me sad, I can’t do it.

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  1. They dont have plans to do it till the next big patch with they prob already have initiated developing BUT it can be added in the second (last) big patch, in S3.
  2. They should add 2 new allied races (one for each faction or one for both like Panda) with every expansion.

I’ve said it time and again.
Blizzard needs a small dev team dedicated to character customization.
Actual race customizations, playable races, class skins, all that sort of stuff. Stuff that’d make players happy and draw more in.
It’d go over pretty well.


100% behind this, Pandaren were supposed to be an Alliance-race first and foremost before they got postponed and replaced with Draeneis.

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This is what kills me about his lawyer shenanigans. The “right at launch” part implies they could add them in 10.3 or whatever. I wish this guy would just give straight answers ffs.

I think I heard how Tuskarr are flagged as playable. They featured in the cinematics. And have story relevance. If I had to wager on an allied race it would be tuskarr. Since they got two bodytypes to work off of and are one of the player requested races that we interact with in DF.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were playable. The leak that also featured DF also said there would be an Allied race. So maybe tuskarr got pushed back.

#speculation here but its fun to think about.

My thoughts: you posted the “verbatim” message, and all I took away from it is that “right at launch, no”. While still very unlikely, they didn’t close the door on an allied race in DF. The second to last sentence leaves it open.

Give me my Tortollan Shaman and I’ll be happy.

Meh, they’re all lame.

We should have got these instead of the skinny, winged lizards.

‘Cries in Nerubian.’

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We’re never getting a new allied race.