No New Allied Races in Dragonflight CONFIRMED!

Honestly the Drakonoids should have been the playable dragon race that play as the other classes except Evoker.

Dracthyr have amazing amount of customization- but the new drakonoids look better with their bigger frames


Pretty sure most people are disappointed in that. Also Dracthyr are not considered the neutral allied race, they are a main race? Kind of thought they would be the Pandaren allied race equivalent then we would get one more allied race on each faction.

Either way, Dracthyr I am just not feeling, sure people love em but Blizz should really look at how many people want to play as existing races.

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Clearly they’re going to wait until the 11.0 prepatch to surprise everybody with the new Drakocentuskoll allied race. All of Dragonflight’s highlighted beast races in one playable race!

Why would there be playable gnolls? They’re destructive and unintelligent

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I believe they said for the first patch. I think tuskarr seem to look good for a new race candidate and it’s one people wanted.

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I’ve seen some pretty out there request for races on GD. Some folks here would probably play a sentient half rotten tree stump if that were an option.

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I think we have enough AR in the game. Frankly I thought most of them could have been customization options they were so similiar. I’d rather Blizz spend their time on other things.

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They need to finish updating the customization of every existing race to modern standards before they add new races, or we’re going to have issues like Dark Irons vs Orcs until the end of time.

Sad but at least they shot it down early unlike the silence during SL so to not get our hopes up.

Disappointing. But if they are instead working on getting rid of class/race restrictions and expanding the freedom of getting to play what and how you want, and dropping those restrictions within the first few patches, I’ll accept it.

But only on that condition.

While all of these abilities are endemic to the race, and I can’t see Evoker ever being playable by a race with no wings and no fire breath… none of those are the racials.

The Dracthyr’s racial abilities are a Mastery buff, a passive gathering trait that only works in DF+ content, and the long-cooldown flight form.

Not sure how I feel about the diaper wearing treants.

I wanted more polys, but not like this. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Just also wanted to mention, while it is confirmed at launch, he totally hasn’t scrapped the ideas of Allied Races, I feel it be a mid patch inclusion similar to BFA when the story develops further.

I have a strong itch Tuskarr is a very strong candidate, which personally I’m really happy about all the love and attention they’ve received with new Models for the males with the addition of Female and Baby models.

But honestly who knows what’s planned currently in the future especially with the new 100 employees from the Proletariat meaning they definitely can push the boundaries of what we are use to.

From seeing the current Tier sets, Weapons from raid and dungeons on wowhead it’s quite clear their really focused on Dragonflight being better then ever, honestly I’m so impressed that Blizzard has had such a leap forward already.

My only question if new Allied Races do come this expansion will they be going down the Neutral Faction such as Pandarens and Dracythr, or strictly going Horde and Alliance, it’s hard to say after seeing such a very positive reception currently on Dracythr.

I’m starting to wonder.

Just wild crazy, 100% never gonna happen speculation here, but what if they are setting up a new faction? A new Dragon faction.

Think about it, both Gnolls and Tuskar are reportedly being rebuilt from the ground up to function like player characters. That’s a lot of work for two minor throw away races that have never been important or figured heavily in the lore. And that is just in the zone that is available in the Alpha now. What if each zone has a pair of races that get the same treatment?

The Ohn’ahran Plains looks like Centaur and maybe Dryads could possibly be getting the same treatment. We don’t know enough about the content of the other two zones yet to speculate on them, but the new Drakanoid models are looking pretty high def as well…

What if by the end of the expac the Dragons (or just one dragon, Wrathion maybe since there are rumours he might not be the new Black Aspect) set up a new faction consisting of the races on the island? Dracthyr who want to stay loyal to the Isles take the leadership roll over Gnolls, Tuskar, Centaur, Dryads, Drakinoids and who knows what else?

I don’t think centaurs and dryads will ever happen.

  • They would look really stupid using flight paths
  • They would look really stupid using vehicles
  • They don’t wear pants

Mechagnomes can’t wear pants but they fit on flight paths, vehicles and mounts. Dragons can use mounts, pants, vehicles and flight paths in their avatar form. I really don’t see Blizzard putting in a race that does not check all those boxes.

I have suggested in the past that this and riding all existing mounts could be solved by making them be pulled behind the mount on a chariot that functions like a flying carpet.

This one would be harder to solve.

The Dracthyr in their true form can’t wear 2/3s of the gear. I don’t think this argument really has any merit anymore.

If they can get the tail right I think the only non bipedals that are possible are naga and that is a big if.

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I don’t mind this at all. There’s enough races that have no place in the story outside of one zone or one quest line. It feels weird that we’re fighting alongside pandas and they had an entire expansion devoted to them; I don’t see why Mechagnomes and Vulpera have to exist at all. Dracthyr will probably feel the same after Dragonflight.


I addressed that.