No New Allied Races in Dragonflight CONFIRMED!

Because centaurs that transform to ride on a horse wouldn’t exactly be true to the centaur core fantasy. That core fantasy would have to be contorted to fit into the mold of gameplay requirements, and I doubt that would be worth the hassle.

It would be like adding a Bard class in WoW. Sure, it’s possible, but Bard is a support class and there is no dedicated support role in WoW. Yeah, you could force it to be DPS or heals, but it would no longer be true to the core fantasy of the class. In which case, you may as well not even add it in the first place.

Bard can be a healer/with damage boosting. Doesn’t have to be just buffs. Since if you think about it healers are already supporting there team. Healing with music magic and dealing damage with it would be nice, bard’s fantasy is in it’s song’s and telling stories.
An example of this could be Sona from League of legends, and Lucio from Overwatch. He heals and speed boosts his team. So does Sona.

A centaur could simply have a cultural ritual to maybe turn into something else for flight. Or the use of magic. Which is enough justification for anything in wow. Magic. A centaur getting wings and turning into a pegasus centaur or eagle hybrid could be feasible. Turning there body into an elemental form like lightning/wind hybrid to fly would also be nice.

Like I said, it’s possible. But if you need to contort and compromise on the core fantasy of the race to that degree… why not put that effort into implementing something that isn’t compromised?

Again, I would love to see playable Centaurs, Dragonspawn, Naga, and other races that stretch the definition of “humanoid.” I just don’t see Blizzard adding races they know would be compromised from the outset.

Well that’s a bummer but not totally unexpected since they’ve decided to add a new race already. I got plenty on the old wishlist though for when they add them again. Though it seems like from Ion’s hedging that we may see them later in the expansion.

Meh to Mechagnomes already do that. They don’t wear boots, gloves, wrists, half of pants for mogs.

For me that is a similar situation. And we see with dracthyr they have some similar limitations. But they made up for it with customization.

Blizzard for bard also made there versions of it in other games like Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm. ETC is like a bard tank. Blizz’s version of stuff could be fun. Etc was a nice bard tank that healed allies and buffed nearby minions. A bard class could be simlar in WoW.

Wow already has alcoholics as a class/spec lol.

I made a thread on the topic some time ago…

Ultimately, I think we failed the test. Or Blizzard took our “diaper gnome” reaction the wrong way, and threw out the baby with the bathwater. Much like they did housing with garrisons.

I’m right there with you on that. I love the communication but I don’t want to know everything. I like surprises. :slight_smile:

“No comment” is a valid response.

More realistically, they should simply not pre-approve questions that relate to answers they do not wish to give.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t do something with Tuskers since they come up in a joking manner in interviews. A late expansion patch.

Well they didn’t give mechagnomes as much customizatoin as dracthyr. From a cyborg point of view. Mechagnomes have barely any cosmetics. I have suggested stuff like adding hand cannons with unique casting animations that you could cast using your hand cannon. Something like Megaman/Cyborg from Teen Titans

They didn’t really do much with mechagnomes. Mecha games have cool customization. Mechagnomes don’t have much, they also have very few coat jobs.

I honestly have no idea how people are hyped for the expansion. The biggest features are some scuffed looking dragon race, a talent revamp, and a flying system with meh animations and a screen effect.

Guess Blizzard must be devoting all their resources to making a grand story and good questing experi-- hahaha.

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Well I’m not excited but I can see how people who are big fans of dragons would be.

Not my thing but I’m glad those people are happy.

If I had a hat made of tinfoil, I would suggest that Dracthyr customizations are as in-depth as they are, complete with baked-on armour, specifically to counter the “diaper gnome” reaction.

Probably. But the drathyr are basically Boomkins 2.0. The only way you see there full armor is with visage form. They made up for the customization. Wheras I feel like Mechagnomes came out very limited with there cybernetic customizations.

Drathyr can’t wear certain armor pieces in there dragon form, but there plenty of customizations and colors make up for that. Compared to mechagnomes which have a very limited color pallete in there armor.



Sounds like a not planned but maybe later. I mean we have quite a few. Every race in the game won’t be playable, but I don’t see them never adding more. We’ve gotten quite a few in the last few expacs.

How is this any different than a simple no?

Anything is possible in the future. That should go without saying. But taking the time to point that out makes that “No” a lot more palatable to general audiences.

They have a pretty long history with “no.” So it’s unlikely you’ll hear a hard no very often. lol

I agree, hey I’m still praying for Wildhammer Clan and Dragonmaw clan to get a proper full allied race treatment they deserve :joy:

I’m actually kind of glad about this. People like to fantasize about all the new distinct races that could be added in (i.e. Broken, Jinyu, Tuskarr, etc.) but as we saw with BfA, most new Allied Races they would add would probably just be recolors of currently existing ones anyway. I think Shadowlands took the right step in adding “new varieties” of races via customization features.

That being said, if new AR’s were announced in the vein of the Zandalari and Vulpera (actually new races) rather than Mag’har and Lightforged, I would be incredibly estatic. I’d do anything to play a Broken shaman.

I can’t think of a better opportunity to get the two cultures most closely associated with flying than the expansion centered around flight. I’ll always carry a flame for the Dragonmaw and Wildhammer, but if not now… when? I suppose this is how the Necromancer proponents felt when the second Death-centered expansion came and went without them.