No New Allied Races! Give Us What We Already Have!

If the shoe fits…

You can spin it however you want, but that is pretty standard stuff for them. Its certainly not a focus for SLs at all though. I’d be surprised to find out they have any plans at all for AR’s for the whole run of SLs or beyond.

That said you are right that it is the most effective way to add a race and when they do choose to add another one it will be with the AR setup.

Still doesn’t change that they should have started with the races already in the Horde and Alliance and finally given players those races.

Yahoos exist, now where are their horse masters?

Can you imagine all the ‘ooken in the dooker’ if that happens? Razor Hill would be the new Lion’s Pride on Moongaurd.

They’d probably have to rename it “Brokeback Hill” lol.

If they do them for Shadowlands, I’m thinking they’d be coming with the pre-patch at the earliest, and they’d be tie-ins for the next expansion rather than spirits that are evidently essential elements of the afterlife coming to the mortal plane to bicker over the next MacGuffin because faction war.

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Hard pass. I don’t want another human, I need something a bit more creative.

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People tend to forget that we have as many playable Humans as we do Elves.

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