Friends tell I should have a new mount. And it should be in my Mounts list.
I don’t see it listed. It is the motorcycle mount I see other new players riding.
How do I get this new mount ?
The Chauffeured Mechano-Hog (Horde version) / Chauffeured Mekgineer’s Chopper (Alliance version) is awarded once a player receives the Heirloom Hoarder achievement for obtaining 35 different heirlooms.
According to your achievements, you only have 13 heirlooms so far.
What mount are you talking about…there are only 4 motorcycle mounts in game if you play Horde, The Goblin Trike, The Mechano-Hog, Chauffeured Mechano-Hog and the Warlord’s Deathwheel. Which one are you supposed to have?
Not sure. Maybe it was a free one given for the holiday.
No motorcycle for the holidays. Could you get the information on what ‘free’ one you should have? After that, we can help you figure out if you should have it, or if you don’t meet the requirements yet.
Um, no mount was given out during the holidays. The Goblin Trike is a racial bike for the goblins, The Mechano-Hog is bought off the AH, the chauffeured one was explained, and the Deathwheel was a contest reward a few years back.
At level 13, the only mount you can ride is the Chauffeured Mechano-Hog and it looks like you don’t meet the requirements for that yet. The other Bikes are available at level 20.
I will ask my friends again. I think it is the Horde Mechano-Hog, they said I should have it to.
You are level 13, so that mount is not available to you yet. Check your mounts tab to see what you have access to.
If it’s a mount you see characters under level 20 using, then it’s the Chauffered Mechano Hog you get from having 35 heirlooms mentioned above. You have to be level 20 or higher to use the other ones mentioned.
Ok, yea , don’t think I have 35. Thanks
Do you have to do this for horde AND alliance? I have it for the Alliance but it says I cannot use it for horde. If I am not mistaken, I used to.
You can use the Horde version on your Horde characters, but you cannot use it on your Alliance characters.
You have both, but you can only use the one specific to your faction.
I used to have them both. Then they disappeared. Now they are back again. Really weird
(Note: The person to whom I am replying subsequently deleted their post, so no, I’m not just barking into the cool night air about necros. LOL )
I understand your frustration with your missing bike, but please don’t necro threads that are well over a year old just to add a “me too”.
Have you read through the information above? Perhaps some of it will apply to your situation.
Try a full UI reset to rule out display issues:
If none of that works, you might try starting your own thread and posing an actual question, such as, “Could someone here help me get my motorcycle back?”
Good luck.
This thread has been necroed so many times it’s stupid. Break the post you necroed was 14 months old, the thread itself was almost three years old.
Actualy I think he replied to someone that necroed then deleted his post.
Crap suppose I should check the forums more than at night lol
Nah, the dude deleted his post. I didn’t necro anything.