No more underground zones please

Totally disagree with OP.

I was excited about TWW when it was announced. I always loved the “D” series D&D modules as a kid, and the idea of an “underdark” WoW expansion was fantastic.

Fast-forward to launch day.

First zone… outdoors island. Meh, it’s OK as a starter, I guess.

Ringing deeps… this seems very not-underground. Lots of vegetation everywhere, pipe city, brightly lit… disappointing.

Hallowfall… it’s Westfall. WHY IS THIS IN THE UNDERDARK EXPANSION? /smh
(seriously, delete Hallowfall from the game)

And then… I got to that wall they’re holding against the Nerubians.

And I looked down.
And down.
And down.
And down.
And it never stopped.

And finally, thought, “HERE is the underdark expansion I was promised. Excellent.”

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Karesh baby

I been wanting playable murlocs and naga for some time. So I wouldn’t mind new underwater zones. Also gil goblins.


Wow really? I completely disagree. Korthia and the Maw were disgusting putrid zones. I didn’t like Maldraxxus much either.

But Bastion and Ardenweald, and to a lesser extent Revendreth are some of the most beautiful zones the game has to date. Revendreth is a bit uninspired due to being kind of a basic gothic “vampire” zone, but it’s still beautifully designed.

Can’t forget Zereth Mortis. Beautiful colors and geometric patterns all across that zone.

My biggest complaint about the Shadowlands zones was that they all felt like they were islands.

(Not talking about lore here by the way. Yes Shadowlands lore was terrible. But the zones and art design had some incredible things).


i fw hallowfall and to a lesser extent isle of dorn but the other two are entirely unmemorable to me. i was never enthusiastic for an underground expansion.

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Beledar’s Radiant Song is the same that was on K’aresh right before Dimensius destroyed it.

In otherwords the Beledar Zone will be the location of a Raid involving both Goblins and Ethereal!

I like the underground zones more than anything else Blizzard has made so far.

Hallowfall is simply the best.

The last time I felt this immersed was like, back in Grizzly Hills in Wrath, or Sholazar Basin. Zul’Drak.

At least it’s different, not another ‘elf forest’. We’ve had far too many of those.

All zones have ceilings.

Beledar doesn’t have a radiant song. It’s just an unidentified crystal that’s cycling from holy to void for some reason.

Azeroth (the world soul inside our planet) is what’s creating the radiant song all across Azeroth’s planet surface.

I personally think that the TWW zones suck

Dont like caves and i hate spiders

Dornogal island is the only appealing one to me


I do feel like the zones are a lot smaller than the DF ones, and also feel that there is less to them. The only distinguishable places to me, are the capital and the spider capital. Hallowfall is incredibly boring.

If you turn down your view distance, hallowfall is just blue sky. I’ve not once seen the ceiling.

But I fully agree with you, no more caves. An all-cave expansion was an idea even more silly than mechagnomes.

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Leveling another toon through Shadowlands right now and those zones are far, far superior to TWW. Even The Maw is better, and it’s just gray everything.

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Anduin Wrynn says: I hear… the Radiant Song? Is it coming from that crystal?

Sure, but he’s literally asking a question. He doesn’t know, which means we also do not know yet.

We hear the radiant song in Silithus as well as all over Azeroth. I find it hard to believe the song would all totally be coming from Beledar alone.

Also, does that mean K’aresh also had a Beledar crystal then? Or is it more likely it was just coming directly from the planet’s world soul? Who knows yet.

I like the spider zone. I just wish that webbing power you can get also worked outside of it.

Quite enjoying these zones, don’t really hate any of them, although my favorite is Hallowfall. After that I like Isle of Dorn, AK then Ringing Deeps in that order.
I do wish there were more Lynx hunter pets and mounts and more/different spider pets and mounts in two of the zones. I’m actually surprised there aren’t any wax mounts kind of like the green tinted mounts we got in the Emerald Dream zone, maybe eventually, or maybe not. Overall, no issues with any of the new zones, thankfully.

No more? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There are hardly any in the game. Probably well over 100 different zones in the game, and there are 5 of them that are underground (4 of which have been added in the past couple of expansions).,

I could understand not liking them if they were like the majority of the caves in the game that, at best, are simply filled with mobs and maybe a chest or two or some mining/herb nodes. That simply isn’t the case. Hallowfall is easily in the top 5 for best zone in terms of aesthetics/details.

To each their own I guess but I really like it when they add stuff in that breaks from the usual (I was a fan of Vashj’ir as well as it was the first true underwater zone)

Fixed. Seriously I could go for underwater cave exploration. I loved getting lost in Morrowind tunnels. Using levitation magic.

Any and every RPG since 1981 with its massive dungeon crawl. Doom games.

Most people spend hours in some raid that probably doesn’t allow flying. It’s probably some black temple or Lava tunnel. :person_shrugging:

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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Y’all like underwater and cave zones. I want a dense forest that stretches the length and width of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor combined. I want tucked away quest hubs that you can’t find without coordinates or map markers.