No more Shadowlands skips?

On a level 62 alt, I decided to take him to Shadowlands to do a daily pet quest. There is no longer an option to skip anything in Oribos. There was also no choosing a covenant.

Did they take these out or is it another bug?



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It was level 60+ only after 10.0, maybe it is now level 70+ after 11.0?

e: Also make sure you are not in Chromie Time.

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Originally after doing the Shadowlands story through the four covenants once you could use ā€œThreads of Fateā€ to do world quests and level your 'toon. They took that away when DF started. It was a terrible decision.

Iā€™m fortunate, I have several 'toons that I started before DF that I can now go back and level with Threads of Fate but unless they change it back, you canā€™t do that with new 'toons even if youā€™ve done the story before.


Thanks - not in Chromie time and heā€™s 62 so Iā€™m confused. I hope they didnā€™t boost it to 70ā€¦ unless they really are trying to kill the expansion lol.


I think they removed it after Shadowlands. I remember trying it earlier in the expansion and it didnā€™t work for me either.


They removed it when DF launched.


Thank you - why would they take out Thread of Fate for what is considered low level content with reduced xp and rewards? It caps out at 60 and my guy is over that.

I really donā€™t understand their reasoning sometimes.



Earlier today I took a level 61 Hunter back to SL that had qualified for Threads of Fate. Before you couldnā€™t really level beyond 60 but now you can. I was easily able to level her to 62 just finishing my covenantā€™s Weekly Anima run and collecting my 20 souls from the Maw.


I havenā€™t had any issues during Dragonflight enabling Threads of Fate at level 60, but they explicitly didnā€™t want it to be used for leveling anymore for whatever reason, which is why I am curious if it was bumped to 70 since Shadowlands can be Chromie Timeā€™d up through 70 now. Itā€™d be completely messed up if you canā€™t skip at max level on alts. I donā€™t have a fresh character to test it on though, so I wouldnā€™t rule out a bug either.

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I forget exactly what they said, but if I remember right I think it had something to do with Chromie Time since the skip locked you out of all the main story quests. There were a lot of complaints on the forums about it for a few weeks, but once DF launched no one seemed to care anymore.

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I did some experimenting with Threads of Fate to see when it triggered, but I did it earlier in the year (Jan-Mar). Might have to do it again with the TWW patch now to see if thereā€™s any change, but that may be after TWW officially launches and likely closer to winter.

Effectively, I found that any toon prior to level 60 could not get Threads of Fate. Regardless of your level when you arrive in Oribos, Threads of Fate would not be offered. You could go to Oribos to talk to Fatescribe Roh-Tahl prior to 60, but heā€™d offer nothing besides a little dialogue option. Once I hit 60 on a toon, I could go to Roh-Tahl and heā€™d offer Threads of Fate. I did this on several toons to ensure it was consistently offered at 60 only. I even went back at 59 to see if it was offered (nope) and at 61 (nope). I also checked after getting out of the Maw on a few toons I tested that started SL around level 10-30. I did not skip the Maw on anyone (why would I skip out on that much xp?). Threads of Fate was level 60 only. The Zereth Mortis skip was also offered by the guy by the table but that I wasnā€™t as interested in testing at the time. I donā€™t know if you can skip Zereth Mortis prior to 60, only at 60, or after 60.

At any rate, if Threads of Fate is the same as it was earlier in the year prior to the TWW patch, then once you hit 61, youā€™re out of luck skipping the campaign in SL and have to go back to do it. I donā€™t see why itā€™d be upped to 70 although with every other bug this patch, I wouldnā€™t be shocked, either.

Blizzard really needs to have Threads of Fate be available for 60+, not just at 60. Itā€™s like how you could only get the Theramore rewards in Remix if you did the scenarios specifically at level 35. They then put them on the vendor. Threads of Fate is available for such a tiny window and gets abruptly shut off once you hit 61. With the xp changes, level 60 can really be a blink and you miss it level, too, if youā€™re not quick enough to remember to return to Oribos.

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There was no skip for the scenario at the start of the BFA questline either. I canā€™t imagine them taking it out. Something is probably broken.

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Threads of Fate does become available at 70 - that much I figured out (using a boosted toon from the new expac). I wonder it itā€™s because theyā€™re planning on extending Chromie time? (I would love that so muchā€¦ I want to skip DF on alts, badly).


only way to skip the sl intro thing is that be lvl 70 have not step foot in the maw or the zones. and i think chromie time will be extended to 70

The way they have handled this is garbage.

I get removing the ā€˜Threads of Fateā€™ leveling feature that existed in SL, but there should still be a generic skip option for anyone at or above the current Chromie Time level.

There needs to be an NPC players can go to when done with Chromie Time and simply skip anything and everything up to the point of picking a covenant.

Needing to be a specific level and only that level without ever having set foot in the zone at any point previously is just stupid.

Why should someone who went to kill a rare or flew around the zone or leveled to 60 (now 70) but didnā€™t finish the story or leveling in a different expansion be locked out of access to covenants unless they waste a bunch of time doing all the story quests for no rewards?

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Beware of Zeth Mortis mobs, once I reached level 62 all the mobs turned green, little exp., but they still hit hard and my fire mage has been nerfed a quite a bit. I can level in DF with no problems with my nerfed iLvl, but Iā€™m one-shotting everything. This seems to happen every changeover between expansion. Weird time, indeed!

Spending a little time in DF then going back to SL makes it easier. I remember Zerith Mortis as having some tough mobs, particularly up in the north.

I canā€™t do kill ā€œChelmiā€, aka some dreadlord, quest. He has way to much HP. He one-shot my mirror images. I give up!

Is this open world questing or dungeon / raid we are talking about? Itā€™s been a while and Iā€™m not remembering the names.

As I recall back when Zerith Mortis first opened there were enough people around that you could usually join a bunch of other people in killing some of the more difficult mobs in the open world. If you get one shot in you get credit.

At this point one possibility would be to go up a few levels in DF, get a little better gear, then go back to Zerith Mortis. It should be easier.

They removed this at the start of DF. Itā€™s still available, but ONLY if you pick up the quest in Org/SW and go through the skips starting there. If you ACCIDENTLY go through the portal in the portal room before doing the quests, you are locked from EVER doing the skip (learned this the hard way).

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