No more "Open Ticket" to speak to GM in game?!?!?

I’ve 2 chested M+9 UR and on my mythic tab its showing like ive never done M+UR …

back in legion, blizzard support reply to you ingame like almost withing 10 to 20min of waiting. you always get surprised by that noise of a blizzard support member wanting to talk to you.

Nowadays, your ticket is 9days+ on hold. even when thousand of players quit because of BFA this should never have happened.
we miss do miss the old customer support, the MODS are nice and friendly, and always there’s a Roleplay or a joke to tell.

All customer service ever wants me to do is to completely delete my UI when the problem is on their side. It’s always on their side.

agreed OP, being forced to pick from drop down menus of selected options and or some AI bot rather than actual human is proof of laziness and stupidity.

Uhh no, its actually bugged. I’m on Step 3 “Tell us about your issue” and no matter which section you click on, it just extends down this half-inch empty black box. Its screwed up and they’re avoiding taking responsibility. I’ve been submitting the same two bugs for months, and no, its not needing help with quests. Inventor Blammo is an NPC in The Pit, or should be, but he isn’t spawning on Thrall, for months. Also, Steamwheedle Alliance bfa follower mission hasn’t come up ONCE on my Thrall toon since I started bfa, a year ago. Wowhead can’t do anything, those are fixes that I have no control of.

Bliz is lazy, greedy and stupid. Granted, idiots asking for quest help are stupid too, but legit tickets getting ignored? or the ticket process being intentionally rigged to fail? Cmon bliz…


Back in WOTLK you could petition and get ahold of a GM pretty quick. I remember a friend of mine got hacked because I saw them online when I knew they were at work. Petitioned and in a matter of 20 minutes I got a response and it was taken care of. They were even fairly busy at that time because alot of people had gotten hacked around that time as it was right after a new patch and supposedly a bad ad was on curse.

Anything to micromanage costs at the expense of the player.

Unless they have changed something in the last few weeks then you can still put in tickets and get a gm to respond. Am I missing some new change?

You don’t submit tickets to GM about bugs. They don’t fix them. Post on the Bug reports forums and QA will add it to their lists.