No More Elf Races

Counterpoint: More elves tho.

“Thicc” Elves should be next then “Thicc” Trolls…

I’m waiting for the dodecahedron elves

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I remember how people were all excited about Zandalari and how they claimed they’d outnumber Blood Elves.

It’s been almost half a year and Zandalari are still fewer than Nightborne characters at max level in EU and just 0,1% above Nightborne in US.

Meanwhile, Void Elves are the 4th most popular Alliance race (Night Elves being in second place).

So I’m sorry to break it to you guys, but the general playerbase does want elves. All the “cool new non-elf” races added after TBC are the least popular.

I’d play an Elf gnome. Round features + sharp features = possibly normal looking for once.

Anything elf related at this point should be a customization option to the current playable elves.

I don’t disagree, but it’s too late. People won’t be satisfied until they get High.

I don’t care anymore. I’m more worried about them destroying the factions than adding more elves.

I think we need at least 2 insect races(mantid for horde and nerubians for alliance)

You mean Alliance won’t, because Horde already has them.

We are still missing elves for the death and chaos spheres of magic.

Night Elf Shadow Priests say hi.

I love how the forum troll who plays a zandalari troll post this complaining about the game having too many elves.

Because we don’t have the dark trolls, the blood trolls, the ice trolls, the darkspear hunched trolls, the zandalari night elf model rig trolls, the necromancer trolls, and the dead god skeleton troll.

And the first elves were just trolled that evolved because they decided to live near a giant gaping world soul wound that was leaking arcane/azerite power into them so they are all descendants of the dark trolls that settled near the well of eternity and this guys is literally just complaining about trolls by trying to meta troll everyone.

The OP listed playable races.

We can’t play those.

We can’t play those either.

Or those.

Or those.

Or those. What is your point…?

Agreed! No More Elves!


We already have high elves on Horde and Sanlayn? Waste of resources right there.

Any race someone dislikes could be considered a “Waste of resources”, so speak for yourself. Playable vampires would be awesome, in my opinion. San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} shows how they can be made very distinct.

This entire thread is very simply, “I don’t like elves so we shouldn’t have more ever” as opposed to something like “I’d rather see something else first”. Why can’t we all get something we enjoy, rather than “Only mine, otherwise there’s too many of this thing that I don’t like so even if the idea is unique, we should have no more because it’s an elf.”

I don’t get people.


Y’all are friggin’ eevees.

By definition, they are influenced by the Shadow Sphere of magic in the Azeroth Mythos. Shadow also controls Void. This is a different sphere from both Death and Chaos/Disorder. Classes and their specs are not Races either. Any mortal can be drawn to any sphere through coercion or free-will.

There are six spheres - Life (night elves), Light (blood elves), Order (nightborne), Shadow (void elves). There are no races representing Death or Chaos/Disorder.

Dark Rangers may fulfill a Death role but this is more of a class of undead rather than a race. San’lyn could also fulfill the role but they seem to be extinct after the Alliance War Campaign. There aren’t any known branches of Elf that would fill the Chaos/Disorder role though. Maybe a sect that returned to their Dark Troll roots in the caves under Mt. Hyjal that we haven’t heard of. Or it could be a sub-race like elves infected with the Worgen curse.

I am referring to this image:

Something new and unique. Not even more emo, emo blood elves.

I hope Allied Races are retired and they concentrate more on new races and classes.