Then they wouldn’t have said “oh yeah we can easily do this”
which sadly, they can.
i mean, back on reddit jsut for a moment theres a poster who legit found out how hard it is via source codes and the wow assets…
wild that guy did it but a million dollar company cant.
churns them out too.
Things change. Deadlines shift. Plus we’re in the middle of a pandemic with everyone working from home which creates even more delays in communication and feedback. If they get behind, I’m sure trivial things like hairstyles get the chopping block.
You can’t seriously blame an art team for deciding what content gets axed.
he has a point…
ill just say its disappointing on behalf of all of blizz
Artists can work from home. Entire video games have been made by people working at home like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
If they can go out of their way to put a scar on Sylvanas then it shouldn’t be time consuming to let everybody else have scars
According to the Fireside Chat that they released Nov 2nd, ten million barber transactions were paid for between the start of prepatch and early Nov, so that means this is more popular than you think. I never thought they would see that as a sign that it was complete.
If nothing else, the pandemic has shone a spotlight on how we currently work at specific locations, and how we can work virtually anywhere (depending on the type of business).
There are economic benefits to having people work remotely both for employers and employees. Being forced to adapt to the pandemic may lead to an evolution of how businesses operate. Not only to future-proof themselves from another situation like this pandemic, but also for more efficient resource usage.
Why spend incredible amounts of money on a massive building for your business if you don’t have to? Having a smaller, more economical, “face” office for meetings and interviews, and having an infrastructure in place to have most employees work remotely, could potentially save businesses billions.
I’d love to see at least some of that money go into increased pay for employees and more investment in product development, but corporations being what they are, I won’t hold my breath on that.
Still, on the employee end, they could save money on commuting, and even potentially living expenses since being able to work remotely could allow them to live in areas that are much more affordable.
My Nightborne needs fixing!!!
I feel so bad for Nightborne. I was so psyched to play a male one when they came out but EUGH they look nothing like the npcs. ( no offense )
Asking someone to deliver what they promised is NOT the act of a spoiled child! It is the act of an adult expecting another adult to follow thru and be accountable for the promises they make.
When the person who made the promise denies, belittles, makes excuses and dis-reguards the original promise I assure you they are NO longer the adult in the room.
Shame on them.
It is not the game, the graphic, the system, what is given to us or the story that makes WoW loose subs. At the end of the day, it’s childish junk like this that looses Blizzard the MOST subs.
It is not the game, the graphic, the system, what is given to us or the story that makes WoW loose subs. At the end of the day, it’s childish junk like this that looses Blizzard the MOST subs.
Heck even No Man’s Sky at least took the time to make up for their broken promises. It took a little bit but they updated the game to include more stuff they promised.
Deny them a sub. Only reason we got flying in WoD was because people actually unsubbed over it. That’s all they understand. It was so effective they stopped reporting the numbers. I canceled my sub as well. Token boys ought to as well. People will stop buying tokens when the price is jacked from a surplus of tokens.
It’s much like being in a guild you love with one officer you hate.
You love the other 99 people, it’s just that one guy that drives you nuts. It’s a un-balanced choice asking you to abandon the 99 for the 1. But that 1 keeps popping up and making life difficult.
Thus most sensible people choose to petition about that 1 rather then to abandon the 99. That’s kind of how they keep getting away with this junk. It’s hard to take that stand, even though that is the best way to get thru to them.
I wish Blizzard wouldn’t force us to vote like that in the first place.
All over work a u-tube artist could implement in 15 minutes worth of work.
All over work a u-tube artist could implement in 15 minutes worth of work.
Heck ask the skyrim modders for help and we’ll have entire new wardrobes in like. 2 days.
They do work amazingly fast.
I’m sitting on 200 mounts, I have forgotten half of them and they keep pumping them out, we have 12 new ones lined up next patch… But they can’t fix the Nightbornes eyes and smooth out their rig. However a u-tuber can figure out how to do it given a few hours of labor.
This is just sad. On top of that they are belitting the player place in tweets over this.
Yup and they’re not even being professional about it. I was polite about my grievances with their broken promise. I wasn’t bratty or vindictive. I politely asked my questions in tweets to anyone I thought would listen. I was ignored. Now I can’t even air my complaints in reddit because Blizz buries it.
This is just sad. On top of that they are belitting the player place in tweets over this.
Oh? I was not aware of this
I saw a post of the game designer’s tweet to the player…sorry I wish I could re-find it.
No New Customizations is the “Don’t you guys have phones” of 2021 - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums ( post 609 is the tweet quote.