No more customizations coming in shadowlands

They just added a ton of new customization options!

Why can’t you whiners just be happy with that? No, of course now you cry for more, more, more.

The game has glaring issues that need to be fixed which are much more important than your pretend dress up demands.

Different teams work on the gameplay compared to the art.

Also they used the customizations being released throughout the expansion as a selling point. This is a pretty fair thing to “whine” about


This expansion is only a few months old. Perhaps they will add more later.

We have over a year to go, at least.

And if they don’t? Oh well.

I’d rather have them focus on real things rather than worrying about hairstyles.

They flat out said no more options this expansion after saying they would after

Oh well. I’m sure a whole 12 people are disappointed.

Go play the sims or something lol.

agreed. if i can use a sports analogy.
the bases where loaded.
blizzards up to bat
the pitcher pitched a really bad ball. easy slammer to make a home run.
blizzard completely misses… x3 and we lose the game.

Look mate if you don’t care then fine. I do care.

A dumb raid tier won’t be sacrificed to hold up their promise.

They made the stupid new ui for haircuts and gleefully said this would make uploading new options way easier thru shadowlands.

The fact that mog runs were such a thing ( before legion became difficult to solo thanks blizz ) and the transmog contest shows people care.


its alllooooooooooooooot more then 12 lol xD go to reddit, mmo, wowhead, and open your eyes to these forums to see the clear anger on no new customizations.
Even tho they clearly talked about adding in more… THIS XPAC

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They said “There are no plans for the rest of this expansion” which means for the (Guessing) year or so the expansion will be, there won’t be

Imagine, if you will, you got sold on a game due to a feature. Let’s say its a raid. Its great, enjoyable, and you want more. And when you brought the game, they said more were coming!

Except a few months down the line they said “No more are coming” and oops its the end of Warlords of Draenor and you’re stuck with Hellfire Citidel for months.

People were sold on this expansion because of the hairstyles. Frankly if they said “Sacrifice a dungeon for more hairstyles”, I’d sacrifice that dungeon right away.

Mate, if people didn’t care about character customisation and how their characters looked, then Skyrim and Fallout wouldn’t have their most frequent downloaded mods being various character appearance improvement mods, and I’m even excluding the NSFW stuff there. I’m pretty sure a mod that just gives you the choice to add freckles to your character is more highly rated and downloaded than quite a few dungeon mods.


All of that is the vocal minority and a lot of the users overlap multiple platforms anyway.

The WoW community is notorious for being whiny. That proves nothing. They blow up issues out of proportion all the time.

Go ask in-game if people care.

Quite a lot of people were ranting in Torghast about it

Yeah this was the bait and switch that broke the camels back for me. I just unsubbed. I hadn’t logged in since January anyway.

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Then vote with your wallet and quit. If it’s such a major issue, do like poster above me.

I use gold for my sub. I can be snarky all I want

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so i did.
tradechat mind you.
from my count. 20 other players said its disappointing.

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I think most of us use gold for our sub, but you know what I mean.

Blizz actually gets more money when we pay with gold because someone bought that token for $20.

So, if it’s that much of an issue, quit.

But you won’t.

Dangerous question to ask when there’s a Moon Guard poster in the thread. You know what my server’s like

Way ahead of you buddy. They got a player since Vanilla that fed up with this. I lasted through Warlords and BFA, but this was the limit.

Which says a lot about this expansion where I’d prefer we go back to Warlords.

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yea im on wyrmrest so maybe my survey was biased…

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Exactly. The art team often gets such praise because they rarely let people down. Having THEM back down from a promise sucks and they should be held accountable


Held accountable how? An art team are more than likely just doing what they’re told to do by the management.