No more classic update till Queen Azshara fall

Just my guess, so that classic and retail can perfectly interleaved.

At this point there isn’t a whole lot left I expect them to tell us about before release.

Though I guess we do need the server names and the last stress test.

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Wtb server names!!!

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Who? :rofl:

Yeah, they’re trying to milk both as much as possible, it’s just good business sense. They’re not expecting much from classic, this is an experiment for them. They’re not sure how the market will really react so they aren’t ‘banking’ on it. All we can do is enjoy it while we have it and spread word of mouth if it’s fun. Then they will add support and resources if the income is worth the trouble.

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They are well aware that Classic hypists don’t care about Retail and Retail hypists barely notice Classic.

We’ve had 1 update almost every week for months, including last week,

the week before,

and the week before,

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Only good thing about BFA is the Azshara face which I have saved off youtube and will use as the wow equivalent of pikachu face.

Here is an example:

Blizzard: “No one really wants to play classic, you think you do but you don’t”

Classic players: “You’re full of it, yes we do.”

Blizzard: “Okay fine we’re tired of you complaining, we’ll make it.”

Classic players: “Yay!”

Blizzard: mumbling no way this will work

Blizzard: sees number of players playing classic vs BFA


Azshara: This deal with the devil will work out so well!
Everyone else: Don’t do it!
Azshara: But I want it and need it!
Everyone else: You think you do, but you don’t.

[now if only I could link pictures]

You realize Queen Azshara’s lore was there in vanilla right? She’s the reason we have separate continents. The zone of Azshara is named after her…


It was intended as a “wgaf about bfa”.