No Moble Phone

So I would like to get my acct authenticated, but I need a cell phone app. Don’t have a cell. Any work around for this? I want to do a guild transfer. Thx in advance.

Unfortunately, it seems a Blizzard Authenticator is a hard requirement. I don’t believe this can be bypassed by the Game Masters. If you have a device such as a tablet that connects to WiFi, you can use that with the Blizzard Authenticator.


Thanks for reply.

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While the app will run on many devices, there is now a requirement to set up the SMS text messaging during Auth setup. It used to be optional. Not anymore.

If a person does not have a text message capable device that is not VOIP or pre-paid, they can’t currently set up an Authenticator.


Which is literally stupid.

People who have a mobile phone, either pre-paid or post-paid should have the right to get their authenticator onto their accoutn.

Why it required a post-paid phone is beyond imagination, which is… as is said previously… stupid.

There was a number that used to put as an authenticator and it was working fine. (thought it was like 1-2 years ago). I removed because i feared that hte person might get like notifications and waht not.

Now i’m trying to put back the SAME phone number and it doesn’t work…

Blizzard LOVE to make complicated thing and stop us to protect OUR account…


Then complain to the FCC since they are the ones who set such regulations on companies.


If you don’t have a cell phone, and the cost is an issue, you can have one for free. I recently talked about this so I’ll just link that post:


It’s not the plan, but sms. I’ve used TracFone before switching the number to Comcast, and it worked fine then.


wait, are you telling me you can’t receive sms on a pre-paid phone? (ps: i only ever used a phone once, but it been logn time ago)

I asked someone to lend their phone nad it was working fine, but maybe they changed their plan since then, henfe why the website say “psot a valid post-paid member”

I think you can, but it depends on the service as to whether they LET you. The phone company would certainly have it enabled and not care who you talk to.

Some services refuse to provide that text messaging to pre-paid (burner) phones esp when setting up accounts and security services. They don’t want burner phones used to set up Auths on Bnet accounts, or VOIP for the same reason.


Not at all, but the FCC regulates what SMS services prepaid numbers can be used for.

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When the company and the game is a high-priority target for scammers and fraudsters, measures have to be taken.

As stated, some of these issues are not with them, but wireless companies and government regulations.

Beyond that, these are not “OUR” accounts. They are Blizzard’s accounts. Semantics aside, compromised accounts are a huge liability for the company, and they are doing everything they can to stop it. They spent years “advising” everyone to protect their accounts, and spent a lot of money offering the physical authenticators at cost.

Times change and if you don’t want to keep up for whatever reason, justified or not, you’re going to get left behind. It’s not ideal, but it’s the reality these days.


i bought the phys auth long time ago, it should be way mrore than enough

people with pre paid can still attach their phones, it really depends on the individual provider and if the number has been reused or not.
For example I use a long life pre paid phone because I rarely use it so I buy 6 month blocks of service. And Ive had no issues.

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To expand (because the forum software makes me), technology is always moving forward. What may have been close to 100% sufficient 15 years ago, may not be sufficient today.


The batteries die on the physical authenticators after awhile. You can keep the same authenticator on a cell phone even if you upgrade to a different phone by using the restore codes given. SMS protect is there as a second block for stolen accounts as well as to make it easier for those who might not keep their restore codes to remove the authenticator if needed without having to wait on the ticketing system and submitting verifying proof you are the account holder.


i mean, the batteries still hold on on mine.

Sure, it not automaticly when i press on the button, probably take like 10-15 seconds before hte unmber show up, but it still working…

They made it so you couldn’t replace the battery, which is sad.

It certainly does secure your account from anything but the most invasive real time malware on your PC.

You can still use your Physical Authenticator. I have one on my account too and still use it.

What SMS Protect/Text is for, is to give you additional notifications about changes to your account that my may not have authorized, and it can be used to remove your Auth when it dies.

SMS Protect in WoW has long been used for extra percs - such as the 4 extra bag slots. It requires the Auth and SMS to be set up. That model was used to allow custom text editing in group tool. The premise being that it reduces the use of stolen accounts to do the spamming/advertising.

Note - if you want to remove a dead physical Auth from your account now, you either have the SMS Text service set up ahead of time and can remove it yourself, or you will be sending Blizzard your Govt Issued Photo ID. They won’t remove it anymore without proof you are the account holder and that proof has changed to ID.

Personally, I prefer the SMS Text option. I know I can remove my Auth when it breaks, day or night, on my own.

You have 3 options:

  • Remove your Auth now before it dies.
  • Set up SMS Texting and use that to remove it yourself when it dies
  • Send Blizzard your Govt Issued ID after it dies to have them remove it

Then it is already on it’s last leg and getting close to permanently dying.


does havign the autheticator id number/serial nubmer count as proof? to know that i’m the original owner.

like each physical auth had a sserial number attached to it right?

unless scammer know how o retrieve that with ease