No means no

probably still applies.
No ones obligated unless theyre in a guild.
They can kick him…or he can walk. either way.

“I can do the mechanics just fine, I know the dungeons well cause I’ve been doing the dungeons since season 1. I do mess up sometimes cause well, no one is perfect and something or someone is distracting me. Ive been doing these dungeons for a long time until now cause now I need to get addons.”

You know how you don’t mess up sometimes???

Addons …

lol, that is funny.

I have to agree, this is only a game, you shouldn’t be getting this upset over it.


What you’re saying isn’t accurate, actually. I have known people who use the addons you speak of and do subpar compared to others who don’t use anything except Big Wigs/DBM. Not everyone needs them. Brains work differently for different people. I’ve known some who can keep better track of their own cooldowns in their head and anticipate faster than the addon does.

As I said above, some people are capable of keeping track better than the addon.

If someone is doing spectacular safe without this, then I see no reason for them to feel mandated to use it.

And that’s understandable. But depends on the content people are running and their goals.

Which is great for end game progression. But unnecessary for some who aren’t pushing that high.

This isn’t quite accurate for all people.

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Exactly. When you do group content, it is your duty to do your 100%

If you refuse to pull your weight, which in this day and age requires addons, you don’t deserve to be part of the team.


As i said to the other guy, everyone is better than someone out there, but you are WORSE than what you could be, when you don’t use addons.

I’m not sure how you’re able to do the mental gymnastics to acknowledge the benefits of addons and THEN try to argue some people are better without them, because frankly that simply makes no sense. No one cares if you’re better than some terrible Ragnaros players even though you don’t use addons. You’re still holding yourself back, and by extension everyone who plays with you.

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Hey, just a reminder that I’ve invited you to do a mythic+ with me at noon today (or whatever time works for you), and that I’ve agreed to be your healer, so the only thing you have to do is find a tank and two DPS. I’d be using my own key, which is a +9 Waycrest Manor, and I don’t care if we beat the timer or not. If you’re serious about doing this, let me know.

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LOL, I was just thinking, isn’t this the same guy that was complaining about being kicked from dungeons at least twice in the last week or so? Yep, I guess it was.

OP, at this point you’re honestly just trolling (actually trolling, regardless of if you know what trolling is or not) and you only warrant a reply because you give Druids a bad name.

I have eight total adding downloaded, and the only combat oriented ones are DBM and Details. They’re the barest minimum of adding to be successful in group content. You need to know timers if you aren’t tracking it yourself, and you need to know your performance so you know how you’re doing and where you can improve. They’re not intrusive, they don’t really block much of the screen, and they’re simple to download with the Twitch app.

Are there people capable of performing without adding? Absolutely. But if you’re constantly getting kicked, it sounds like you aren’t pulling your weight. You also haven’t fully optimized your character with the best enchants, or learned the best rotation with the best talent. Considering your attitude on the forums, all of this culminates into you being the problem at the center of all of this.

Take the advice of those who have given it to you, because people genuinely want to help if you’re distressed. For me, just get DBM and Details. See how you’re performing, and improve where you can.

Best of luck.


How doesn’t it make sense? There are those who just have the mental prowess to do better than addons. I’ve met a few in the past decade. It can happen. Not everyone needs addons to perform at their very best.
And some do. My point was that you’re trying to make it fact that 100% of players must use addons to be the best. And that’s not how the world works.

Now you’re just making odd assumptions to fit your personal narrative.

Not everyone. You’re making a blanket statement about every single person that’s simply false. If you want to say some or even most, sure. But not all.


Wrong, there isn’t a single player, no matter how skilled, who is better than they could be with UI improvements. You’re simply trolling at this point.


So you know every single person across the the entire world and have specifically measured their DPS with and without addons, eh?

Nice trick.

Simply because someone tells you that you’re wrong with a very correct reason as to why, doesn’t mean they’re trolling.


I have been playing for a long time and have never, I repeat NEVER seen or heard of anyone kicking anyone for not using addons in a dungeon, ever.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen but it seems a bit weird to me.

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I mean I don’t use add ons. But then I only do dungeons when I want something or a Guild member wants help to clear an old mythic alittle quicker. I mean have you ever considered that maybe they are suggesting addons to be helpful? My brother tries that with me alot.


Also, you’re a day early. :roll_eyes:

All you have to do is watch any of the top players in the world running keys, PVPing, or raiding, and you’ll see EVERY one of them is running some sort of addons.

Yeah, if you’re running M0s with guildies or normal raid tiers, who cares…run whatever you want, you’ll eventually outgear it and plow through it blindfolded.

If you are doing legitimately challenging content and you’re performing at your highest, addons help. End of discussion.


because your best score in season 2 was 1100 io. which is around about a +10 key in every dungeon. in a season where a lot of players were doing 17+ on week 1

Even hardcore RPers use add-on to do better at RPing.


If your argument is that bad players are still going to be bad and may not see a benefit from add-ons, then by all means just go ahead and make that argument. If your argument is that there is some uber elite player who plays at 100% w/o them then I would say the onus of proving that is on you.

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