No matter how good 8.2 is Classic hype will drown it out

They are two different games from entirely different development teams.

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8.2 will give people something to do when they try out classic for a week and remember how tedious it was.


Classic will give people something to do once they finish LFR on 8.2 and grinding their neck.

All depends on what is released first. Blizzard is basically releasing a self contained “game on the side” for when people get bored of one or the other.

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Doesn’t matter, playing classic or modern wow the devs still get the money, and is a win win scenario for them.

Classic, if anything will bring in extra money from people who’ve previously quit, and it’s money will be put into modern wow development, along with whatever other games blizzard is developing.

The whole classic kills retail argument just isn’t thought out, because both are retail, both provide revenue and customers, leading to further success of the company.


Yeah, it’s similar to during cataclysm with diablo 3, acting basically as filler before pre patch hit.

That is fine. I’m hoping Classic does massive numbers. That is good for WoW.
Why would you say Blizzard is fighting hype. All their steamer beta test has been all hype.
My guess is WoW won’t get the hype until Blizzcon and the announcement of the final raid tier and the next expansion.

Tbh I just see a lot of the casual player base that’s spoiled/entitled quitting fairly quick and coming back to live. I’m probably going to roll a rogue just to torment noobs. Era of roguecraft.

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This Classic vs BFA PvP is fun to watch as a filthy neutral.

But, judging by my Vanilla characters, it takes about 2 months or less to 60.

This was actually doing it “SLOWLY”; Many other people hit 60 before me, since I mainly soloed to it. I watched 3 man teams, just doing stuff outside, make it in a couple weeks.

Once 60, it will take a bit of time before anyone has a guild organized (unless people do it ahead of time, like my Guild did back then, pretty much) to then be doing Onyxia and MC.

That is where the 5 nights a week, 5 hours a night thing will start to destroy people; There will be “kids” who can do it, if they can stop playing Fortnite long enough, so they’ll get all the DKP to get the gear with.

8.2 will probably last more than 2 months, so it will outlast the Classic Hype.

I disagree with you:

8.2 will be enough because people will be crawling back, from something that wasn’t as great as they thought.

Classic will be a brief vacation, even for those who really like it.

Then the “tune” of Classic posts, here at least, will change:

“Classic, what went wrong.”

“Classic, what they did wrong.”

“Classic, what we did wrong.”

“Classic, how it could still work.”

“Classic, they need to change these few things to make it work.”

“Classic, put in LFR/LFG/Transmog and flying and it will work!”

“Classic, it is now pretty “done” so change it to BC/progression?”


Old content is old no it won’t.


No matter how well Classic does you won’t be able to tell if 8.2 launches around the same time (or anything else new for Blizzard for that matter) because all of Blizzard’s games are included in their MAU data.

So unless Classic is the only thing that launches in a specific quarter and there is then a large spike in MAU metrics you will have zero way of knowing who’s playing what.

I had 6-8 60s in a matter of a few months in vanilla, but I was super casual when it came to raiding. That is the reason why I can’t stand leveling anymore, but like that guy said old content is old.
This slightly relates, but I can’t stand going back and playing games I’ve already beaten with very few exceptions, darksouls/demon souls/red dead redemption/metal gear and other games just as good. But those are some of the best games out there, vanilla wasn’t the time that wow shined so I don’t see it being enjoyable for the masses for very long even if they hit 60 and do end game content.

I’m sure I’ll enjoy ganking and spawn camping noobs though when I’m one of the first 60s to cap and gear out. Gonna post a powerpoint of all the convos of people making a level 1 to come and whine at me and it’s gonna be called “tears of the casuals”.

August is like 2 months after when a lot of us are expecting 8.2. By then, the majority of people will have seen what they care about seeing in the patch.

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Crawling back to what? If BFA was a great expansion people wouldn’t be leaving to begin with

Crawling back to LFR, Pet Battles, Mission Table, Warfronts, and the flourishing PvP scene with proactive developers listening to the community and adding things in like PvP vendors of course!

There are no Classic subs. No Retail sub no access to Classic.

Most of the people hyped about Classic quit this game long ago and have been waiting for Classic.

Sure, there are also quite a number of people hyped for it that still play this game and will have their fun in Classic for a while and come back to live. It was interesting to see the amount of people in the stress test who didn’t think they would like it finding themselves loving it.

But most of the people hyped aren’t BfA players.

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The improvements/quality of life/instant gratification/loot when you log in/titanforging/warforging etc. etc. etc. that’s what most people like about live wow. I see people waiting months for a piece of loot complaining about it, hell they even already complained about it being too slow of game play.

8.2 doesn’t look like it will be good so I don’t think there will be a problem. Also, 8.2 should be out in a few weeks - the last real raid was released in January. Way too long ago for a lot of people.

8.2 does have some good things about it. More item permanence in the necklace though azerite gear is still a thing, unfortunately.

More open world fun in the timeless isle encore. That’s where mostly everyone will be.

Sure, the other zone is going to be a bore after a bit but the game won’t be a complete bore. So there’s that.

I know Classic is going to blow Retail away but 8.2 is already better than 8.x as a whole.

Timeless isle was easy to get from point A to point B for rares Nazjatar is not. I can’t be the only one who believes that will kill the zone.