No matter how good 8.2 is Classic hype will drown it out

The community isn’t going to be there like it was for vanilla and I doubt there will be any semblance of it for classic, as far as people enjoying classic I’m sure there will be some.

We’ll start with the hardcore crowd that intend on clearing all the end game content and probably go for the scarab lord title/mount. They aren’t really a good judge if classic will be a success in my opinion cause they’re more than likely wanting to relive their vanilla experience or be the guild “2nd clear, who cares”.
I’m not saying going back and redoing the content won’t be enjoyable but there will only be a select few guilds that actually end up in the top % like live and most of them were there for vanilla.

As far as the rest of the player base I think they’re too spoiled with live, the quality of life and the ease of everything will make playing classic irritating for them I’m sure. I remember going months without a meaningful upgrade, people expect to get a meaningful upgrade the second they log in and do a world quest. Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

I remember wearing white/green items, when you’d get a blue or epic upgrade it meant so much more than it does now. I just see epix in live as de/scrapping mats anymore unless it’s bis or it wf/tf super high af.

I do miss zg/za raids and the aesthetic of teldrassil when I first played as a ne hunter, I helped a ton of people with free bags and questing and such. Yes I was super casual back then and enjoyed leveling. I had leveled 6-8 60s in a matter of a few months, which made me hate leveling and I can’t wait for a 120 boost token so I don’t have to lift a finger other than to gear them out. But other than that I don’t miss much else to vanilla than stv/zg/za zones/raids as it was my favorite spot to hang out and questing zone. My most fond memories are from later expansions tbh.