No masterloot please

lol ask the mods I don’t enforce any rules around here.

Then why do you assert that it breaks a rule if you don’t know which one?

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What are you implying without saying out loud?

That you haven’t taken a class on the mentioned subjects.

Which subjects?

Logic and probability.

There are things that I have not taken classes on. Logic and probability just so happen to be 2 things that I have.

And what classes did you take on “logic” and “probability” at which school exactly? to come to that righteous opinion?

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Reasoning under uncertainty and algorithm design.

I can’t quote the entire post so forgive me.

What “classes” at which “school” did you learn about “logic” and "probability?

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no people do.

irrationally angry and fearful.

well I’ve never said this, what I have said is the negative effects you are afraid of are easily avoidable be either just paying attention to the people you play with, or using PL.

It did not. See I did actually mention this somewhere before. anti ML people really seem to believe that every advocate of ML is either a thief or must have never been in a bad spot.
I’ve had gear stolen. I’ve had gear allocated away from me when I was the more proficient players.

here seems to be the difference. you take your negative experiences, and allow them to solely influence your decision, it seems.

I take my negative experiences, then compare them to the positives and evaluate it all as a whole. How many times has someone actually ninjad gear from me, I believe its 3 or 4.
how many times has gear gone to someone else when I believed maybe i should have gotten it. twice?

How many times has the system just worked as agreed upon and there have been no issues, every other time, which at this point is countless.

Ah, but you already stated you are just acting out of fear. fear of a thing you have full control over is pretty irrational.

you dont know what immoral is.

personal loot as it is right now is literally the opposite of consensual.

like most of bloodys points rely on trials not getting loot, but freely admits they don’t pay attention to the more competitive scene, so can only have second/third hand information.
Then you tell them that they can have pl guilds, and they counter with ML will be the majority, then we counter with actual stats that show PL was in fact the majority when accounting all difficulties, then they change the topic.

this is a joke right? an actual attempt at humor?

i dont think you know what a gotcha is.

please outline a single moral view of a hammer.

so just a full out deflection.

only one person has access to master loot, and the scenario present uses people who are not in any way in control.
but the fact that you need to assume every person who might be slighted has control says a lot about how weak your points are.

this response doesn’t mean anything.

lol, threat.

Oh you’re currently playing on one of the classic servers? do recount the events then. I’m curious to know what actually happened.

snozh may not be humble, but I see no signs of him being a troll.
I dont think you’re a troll either, however you seem to leap from point to point rather easily so I would be more willing to deam you a troll than him.

like you’ve covered ninjas, trials, esports, the bottom line. what am i missing?

yeah, thats a subjective thing too.

mhm… so remember how there were actual stats around pl/ml guilds?

they full on believe.

this is so false.

it makes perfect sense.

I’d be willing to bet caps has never reported anyone. maybe im wrong. but I’d still make that bet.

feel free to name the rule being broken with that one. and then feel free to report.

so no actual confidence in the claim.

saying you might not be well educated on the current topic isn’t breaking forum rules.

im sorry, why does the school matter, and they told you the class. This really just lends to the point they are making.


I’ll just preempt you. I don’t care about your school. Or your classes. I wanted to talk to you but you just assumed I was stupid. Or ignorant. Or poor. Or all of the above.

I don’t care about you or your background or your school or anything. I can defend my opinions with anyone anywhere anytime.

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1: I’m not going to be the one to give out identifying information like the name of the university I attended.
2: I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with not having an understanding of theses topics, just that it’s obvious to people who do understand them. Just like it’s obvious to a doctor when the patient incorrectly diagnosed themself.

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Like i would try and dox you. OK.

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That makes no sense at all.

I have to get some sleep I can’t keep up with you. That’s just silly.

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i have no idea what this dude is on about but he is a ce pretender

Ah, the classic double burden. Not only has someone been misinformed, but they don’t know that they have been misinformed.

they say any of that.

but you haven’t been.

its kind of just safe practice.

[quote=“Bipsie-moon-guard, post:1165, topic:1236912”]

people have morals. things do not.

sometimes I wonder if I should just swap sides, because I know i could make the points way better than them.


You’d loose that bet, but it took a pretty extreme situation to force that. Someone was bypassing the hate speech filter to show an obviously faked screenshot to claim that someone else they disagreed with had made said hate speech.

Well, they have been trying, just not too successfully.

More people than just you have read this thread, and will in the future.

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so one report count?