No masterloot please

Again relevance?

Cell phones are pretty cool.

Never claimed to be good.

we sure this isn’t jolts?

yeah sure keep telling yourself all this with no life

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It could be, hes probably still mad about people finding out he boosted duelist.

? you are a legit loser like for real female blood elf snozr

Again why so mad?

all you do is lie

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Do you have any proof other than your own opinion that he’s lying?

yeah just look at his history above

That provides proof that it was said.

I don’t see any evidence that it was false.

um what? re reead

lol you guys buddies or the same person

Man this thread has gone way off topic lol… but boy has this been entertaining to read and this popcorn is delish.

You made a claim. I’m simply challenging you to provide proof of your claim. you have so far failed.

yeah i know i think im talking to the same guy

Easy enough to verify that statement as false.

you are the same guy or you are in love with him cuz your posts support him

I mean its not a lie no matter how many times you try to say it is.

Is it Butterlovers?