No M+ for Old Men (40+)

Get back to us when you hit 58+.

If you’re right, then the question that begs to be answered is who does the Blizzard devs design towards, the majority of bad players, or the miniority of good players? PUGgers, or cooperating guildmembered end-game raiders/m+?

Right now it seems like its been the miniority good players, but don’t see that being substainable long term capitalistically.

(Also, bring back pre-legion disc priests, as it was capable of healing thru and surviving terrible playing pugs who insisted on standing in the bad.)

Yup. Keep defending this garbage fire content. Because THAT’S helpful. :roll_eyes:

True, but you can plot the species on a bell-curve for this sort of thing.

No its not. You’re making too much of a blanket statement.

I don’t have to and it’s still not an excuse to use old age as an impairment to gaming when there are countless guilds and raiders that are specifically set up for older gamers .

Maybe do some research it might do you some good.

Enjoy your 60’s. lol

(Sincerely hope it works out well for you.)

It’s their business they can do whatever they want. If you don’t like you giving them your money and time

Worthless post.

Well not worthless. Someone has to defend the corporations, right? /s

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Truthful, factual and irrefutable post actually

That can be posted in literally every thread you dope.

I do post it in every post with complains because again it’s factual and irrefutable

one issue that’s come up, I can only seem to do one or two M+ in succession before arthritis kicks in and I start making a lot of mistakes. Failed to time a Stonevault 6 mostly because I kept having targeting problems from tabbing the wrong enemy.


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I’m 41 and I usually manage to at least get KSM each season, but that’s normally my stopping point.

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Only 40+ and prepared to kick in the bucket eh? Then go play another game, for a senior citizen such as yourself there is bingo and solitaire. I also heard hims might have a new formula for mythic +.

People are focused on the age comment and trolling it but the complaints are legit and clearly affecting a ton of people since participation in M+ in TWW S1 is way down compared to DF S1.

Motivation to even bother with it is just not there for a number of reasons. People are going to quit the game which will leave some people behind with only pugging as an option after their friends leave. Pugging was the only option for some to begin with. With a smaller base of players doing M+ that makes the time commitment to trying to get into groups longer which will discourage more people from bothering.

Essentially M+ has a lot of issues that are about to set off a massive cascading failure. The few players that just always do it regardless will still be there and perhaps will not notice how many fewer players are around just as many of them seem to not notice how many fewer players there are each season as an expansion heads towards its end. Blizzard probably notices though as they want people to actually stay subbed and play their game.

Many players quit raiding years ago. M+ was their only end-game. Five-man end-game content only exists because it was in high demand from people who wanted an end-game that wasn’t larger group content. Delves are not sufficient for most of those people I would expect. Delves won’t keep them around.

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There’s a saying in statistics… It goes something like this … “correlation does not imply causation” Trying to tie together the numbers of DF S1 (which was prior to the squish of M+ they implemented in DF S4) to TWW S1 is disingenuous in the first place. And than trying to blame it on age? There are plenty of people 50+ doing M+ without any issues.

Im 42 im not doing anymore m+

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And that’s fine. I’ve seen a LOT of failures down in the 2-4 range as people who did M+ in prior seasons (in the 2-10 range) but never pushed higher are now trying to do M+ at a level above what they’ve ever done. And that’s fine, just need to understand the bar was raised, and if you weren’t clearing 12+ in prior expansion/seasons without issues, you’re going to have issues in M+ now.

I didnt do S4 but i got KSM in S3, i was doing some 17+ keys