A horde character is given the quest “Love is in the Air” and told “speak with Mahaja Cloudsong at the Gala of Gifts” in Durotar. Going to the Gala of Gifts, there is a tauren there named Torgando Featherhoof accepting money donations, but there is no Mahaja anywhere around. The “?” is on the map, and no Mahaja or ? above anyone’s head. You cannot get the dailies to unlock, only the carrot to go there.
This has been repeatedly bug reported since the event started.
A tweet from Blizzard earlier about it being investigated, but it’ll probably be hotfixed w/o fanfare at some point tonight.
I’m not talking about the bug report. I’m talking about anything on the forums or in game that actually lets horde players know this is happening. This is a major event, without any sort of notification to let use know what is hapopening. The only thing listed in general I saw was people letting folks know that the event had moved to the brewfest location outside Org.
Ofc not, and usually that doesn’t happen. Service interruptions might be listed on the launcher or “Breaking News” section of the character select screen, but some NPC not showing up and preventing dailies for a holiday event isn’t going to be posted in-game. Forums will probably reflect the hotfix in the daily hotfix post once it’s been corrected.
Yes, this is their brand of “enhanced communication.” It’s sad, huh?