No lopnger possible to open a tciket and chat with a GM directly

Yea not something I knew of or would have attempted as I tried about five or so different “fixes” off wowhead comments. Again this quest is bugged and poorly tested and many were or are still left in the wind.

I’ve yet to see a Blue or Dev post that its being addressed outside of Tickets and GM’s claiming its being working or or looked at idk any more.

yes, they have. Again I have been playing for 8 years +. I know how the system works. The core problem is that you do not work for them? Cause they have closed mine. why is it so hard to believe that a company can do things they say they will not do in the first place?

You got into a situation at Walmart telling people how to do their jobs - and got told not to ever come back (a no trespassing request). I am going to trust the folks I know at Blizz, where I have had the chance to visit and sit down with them, vs someone with a history of getting into conflicts telling people how to do their jobs.

P.S. The store is always private property. They can provide a no entry notification to anyone they want and when violated they can call the cops to have them removed for trespassing. That is how private property works. It is most commonly used with people who shoplift or cause a disturbance.

wernt gms canned a long time ago for more support workers?

The last big layoff they had of CS folks was 2012. They also closed the office in France a couple years ago which impacted some. I think Cork Ireland had some folks who were given huge packages for early retirement pre-COVID. The 2019 layoffs and anything since then has not impacted the CS teams.

If you mean that GMs are now cross trained to handle Billing, Account access, etc. across all the games, then yes. While specialists do exist, most handle whatever tickets are in queue for any Blizzard issue.

What I find is that the biggest disconnect is on emerging issues (new stuff) where the folks handling tickets don’t realize there is a problem yet. It can result in some confusing and inconsistent answers until it all gets synched up.

im talking about actual gms that you would see in game.

Back in 2004 and for a few years after, the tools the GMs used required them to have an in-game presence. As time went on and the game grew, the tools changed and no longer require them to be in game at all. It is VERY rare that they have to do that.

Policy also changed. It takes a lot of time to enter a game and role play with players. With the tools no longer requiring them to be in game, there was no need for that kind of interaction. It is certainly fun for players, but it meant much longer wait times for help.

The same type of GMs are still there, they just don’t show up in game anymore.

Ok, first how do you know it is my personal history what facts do you have to back this up. Then why did the cop arrest the Wal-Mart employees and the judge put store employees in jail instead of me? Both found said I was not causing a scene and there was no justification in calling the cops and then the employees insulting/telling the cop to do his job was causing a scene.

You act like a lawyer, so tell me why they went to jail and the cop did not ask me or escort me from the store. You need to further your law degree and as the judge told Wal Mart employees to need to know what private property is and how it concern open door business. Therefore, IE the no trespassing request you said and the employees no tresspassing at the store was invalidated at the hearing by the judge.

Second, if you going to use statements against me then you need to know all facts. How you know the tickets were about in the first place. The only way is that you are either an employee or have worked for them. Thus making your argument invalid. As you rely on facts not supported by the evidence. tickets were closed and unless you have access to them, it is irrelevant what you say happen because you were not there in the first place. Thus stop acting as an employee(?) protecting your business.


i remember being stuck on getting my whirlwind axe back in the days (the event wouldnt start) - i opened a ticket and within 30 minutes a GM was meeting me ingame to help me start it.

fast, efficient, funny, wholesome. it was great.

i dont think someone can have such a good experience with support these days. stellar support is a thing of the past. for some reason companies dont put much value on it anymore.

i dont think that alone is enough to explain the downfall but it certainly didnt help.

so yes then blizzard canned gms?

No. The GMs just don’t use the same tools they used to.