No longevity to this mode due to death by bugs and glitches

You’re too soy for HC go play softcore.

LMAO! Dying is dying in hardcore. The transfer option is just that, an option to continue the journey with that toon but on another server because, well, death is death.

That really doesn’t make sense in the context of the quoted text nor of what I have been saying. It seems as if you should take your own advice and play on a regular server since you are unable to handle the consequences of death on hardcore. You know, the consequences you AGREE TO when creating a character?

Bubble hearth would like a word.

Reported for gaslighting

I am going to block you. You are not even staying on topic.

That’s not what gaslighting means.

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To gaslight someone means to manipulate another person into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events , according to the American Psychological Association.

How is that not gaslighting?

An insult makes you doubt your own reality?

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That’s the definition of gaslighting. I just posted that.

Maybe you need to toughen up a bit.

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Why are you replying in this thread again?

Why are you?

I am the OP?


I am flagging your posts. So keep replying I guess?

For gaslighting?

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Where are you going with this? I never told you to write this:

And did you forget you’re on a WoW forum?

Imagine that, I have an internal locus of control.

Never turn up your nose at good advice.

There was no good advice. Only insults.

Someone else is reporting you too.
“This post has already been flagged for moderator attention. Are you sure you wish to reply to it? Replies to negative content tend to encourage more negative behavior.”

Oh, no!

I shall need to correct my ways.