No longevity to this mode due to death by bugs and glitches

Was school hard?

Idk why you would want to reply to this thread only to be reported. Unless it is an attempt to sabotage this thread. For some reason?

Why would you report someone for asking an innocent question?

Can’t sabatoge trash.

So much for the innocent question. But for now, I am replying so everyone in the community can see this trolling in case they delete their posts. At the very least, put them on the radar for future trolling for admins.


Oh, my.

You are absolutely adorable.

Blizzard is putting some effort into fixing the bugs, which is good for us HC players! Seems the worst offending one was the “falling off the flight path” one.


Maybe they can work on DC’s too; it would save a lot angry players from quitting WoW for good.

Really shouldn’t be that complicated to have the server check if a client is still connected when a characters death function is called, if the character isn’t connected and they did not themselves recently alt F4 or use a logout command then the death gets ignored and the players character DCed (on the server’s end so as to match the DCed client’s state) and restored to full health/mana.

I mean I know blizzard has like a shoestring budget for everything these days but thats literally a simple fix that could be done in a day that would retain far more monthly subs than it would for almost anything else you’ll pay that dev to do in the course of 6 months.

This is the dumbest turd Ive read in a while. So they are addicted to the game. Thats their problem. It is still a game, whether they play all day or only casually.

This is coming from someone who no lifes this game. It is still just a game.

You sound butthurt and antagonistic towards anyone with a different opinion and then cry victim but thats just you being hypocritical.


Lol! I was responding to YOUR responses to me. This is just laughable at best.

You sense a demonic presence…oh no wait maybe you’re just soy paranoid.

How are they supposed to determine if it was a legitimate DC or just someone that pulled an ethernet cable or disconnected from wifi intentionally? I can answer that for you, they can’t, and it will result in plenty of false requests for death ignores as people just pull plug when they know they are about to die.

Death is final. If that is not acceptable to anyone, play on era.