My Death Knight’s fashion statement has disappeared after running a Timewalker! During the Cataclysm opening event I kept the quest, ‘A Gathering in Outland’ and with it the ever fashionable Doomsayer Billboard warning of the end of the world. It’s always created fun interactions both in character and out of character when people see a long-lost item from Cataclysm. However, after running a Timewalker, the item is no longer equipped on my character.
In the decade since the opening event, my death knight and the billboard are kind of linked together. It’s every part of him as a common mount or transmog is for other people. I’d like to have my doomsday billboard back on my Death Knight, Huitzlpocthti on Moon-Guard (US).
The in game ticket system wasn’t working, unfortunately.
To be totally honest, I don’t think that’s something that a GM is going to be able to help you with 
Have you tried a Full UI reset to make sure that it’s not just a UI glitch?
Aye, there is nothing our Game Masters will be able to do for this. While we wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with you somehow holding onto the buff all this time, it’s not something we’d be able to reset if it somehow was removed from the character. I’m sorry!
It’s not a visible buff. It’s active while the quest is in the log, or at least was. I’m kind of confused why it’s suddenly no longer active.
I’m pretty sure you had the Doomsday Messenger buff which was granted from the quest called “Spreading the Word”.
There was a bug with the quest initially that allowed players to retain the buff after completing the quest, and as some mention in the comments - it was possible to abandon the quest and retain the visual effect. Since your character doesn’t seem to have this quest marked as completed, they may have fallen into the later category.
The quest you have, “A Gathering in Outland” doesn’t appear to be the source of the visual effect. This was just a breadcrumb quest to get you to go somewhere.
I’m not sure what would have caused it to be removed. I have suspicions but nothing I can say for certain. Ultimately, it’s just not something the Game Masters would be able to reapply to you since it’s no longer intended to be available.
Edit: I found another comment while looking into this
Still have one in my void storage on my DK. Did have the Doomsday quest sandwich-board (from pre-cata event) on an alt until a timewalking dungeon ate it a few months ago.
This is regarding the “Recruit’s Robe” that you have in your character inventory. I was making sure that equipping this robe wouldn’t be a solution and this comment confirmed that they are separate elements. But, it does sound like the aura (buffs that don’t have a visible icon) is likely getting removed as a result of the Timewalking aura that scales your character. The same thing would likely happen if your character joined an arena which would also overwrite auras.
Well dang. I wouldn’t have done a timewalker had I known that. RIP DK.
I will say, that because of your post I had to go digging through a lot of old quests and spells and it made me feel nostalgic. So thank you! I think the lead into Cata was one of my favorite… second to the scourge invasion/plague before Wrath.
Yeah, that’s why I kept it. I saw all those people with angry ghosts following them around after Wrath and wanted something to remember the opening of Cata from.
Doomsayer’s Robes would give you the sandwich board. Unfortunately it would hide any transmog you do though.
I just lost mine, resubbed and thought that I’d done timewalking last time I played because I had some timewalking badges in my currency tab but apparently not. Super frustrating because I’d been so careful for the last decade to not do arena or timewalking and then I botch it for no reason like this.
IF you have a problem its better to start a new thread then necro a 3yr old thread while the necrolords would aprove forums not so much.
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I don’t have a problem just venting. Its not a common problem and doesn’t need a new thread but thank you.
This is the wrong forum to vent and necroing a 3yr old thread is even worse general is the best place to vent then necroing a thread.
This is the most recent post about the subject, and is the only post that comes up when you search for doomsday billboard and the only thing relevant for doomsday messenger. I don’t think its the worst idea to keep relevant information on such a niche subject in one place.
But thank you again for the reply I appreciate it a lot. Whatever they are paying you to keep these forums clean they should double it.
Not sure mockery is warranted, but Darth is correct. If a thread is years old, just make a new one. Your problem or the cause of it may not even be in the ballpark of the original poster’s problem after years have gone by. An SFA is probably going to come in and tell you the same thing when they lock the thread because it was necroed.
This is technically a player to player forum. Everyone beyond Blizzard staff here is a WoW account holder, and can come in at anytime on any character to make threads or reply to them. Anybody not posting with blue text is not getting paid to be here, nor is it a particularly time consuming action to open the forum page and reply to a few threads.
Your info and the info three years ago aren’t relevant to each other, however.
Because the game changes. The cause of an issue two weeks ago may not be the cause of it today. That is why it is preferred that you start a new thread rather than continue one that may have been resolved. Especially threads that haven’t had a post in three years.
In the case of this specific transmog, the information I gave three years ago is still the only answer. The item from the quest was a limited-time item that was part of a pre-launch event. It wasn’t meant to last.
If you want to give feedback or suggestion about it you would need to post in the Transmogrification forum. The Devs who make decisions about this don’t take feedback or suggestions from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs who post here are not liaisons with them.
Sorry to hear it, Geezus.
Perhaps, though as Kalviery mentioned, those weren’t really intended to last this long and since our staff cannot really assist here there is little that can be done.
The only suggestion we could give is that if the long lost aura/appearance is something you’d like to see made possible/permanent, it would probably be best to create a thread in General Discussion so our Game Developers could see it. You may also use the Submit a Suggestion option through the in-game interface.
I am going to lock this one up so that feedback/suggestions are directed to a more appropriate location.