No lfg for heroic dungeons TWW-datamined

We just don’t know though. I really wonder what blizzard is doing, and how it will change.

Woot! Now we get to go old school!

Manually forming groups via LFG for heroic dungeons again

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As someone upstream said, M0 in S4 is now similar in difficulty to a +10 keystone from S3.

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The shift has not been applied twice. Old M0s are now heroic, Old M+10s are now M0. I am saying heroic (old M0) should be in queue from day one.

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Well, this has only been datamined. So, it was put into the backend of the game, but not yet activated. Blizzard could still change their minds, as they haven’t announced anything yet.

We really won’t know until some weeks after the start of the first season.

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As always, but that doesn’t change the fact that the entry level where people need practice shouldn’t have a long lockout.

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I really think this is a combo of not wanting players just spamming Heroics and the fact that Blizz doesn’t want to hear complaints about the difficulty in LFD.

We already did M0 tours the first week or two in past x-pacs and this is the same. We had to manually form groups for those and there were no issues. It’s going to be fine.

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What? M0 has always been available Week 1. It was M+ didn’t start until the new Season.

Heroic only has a one day Lockout not a week FYI.


Not like anyone but the most determined of folk will be able to do heroics till then anyways. Still yeah… kinda renders early access pointless but gives you more time to idk enjoy the story before spamming dungeon like crazy…maybe?

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I wouldn’t say the most determined, but I do think this change would encourage people to enjoy the story.

As well as to try their hand at delves.

“If we limit the number of dungeons that learners can do, they won’t complain about the difficulty.” Seems odd. Maybe just keep restricting them until they get tired of spending most of their playtime traveling around the world instead of playing.

“Not wanting players just spamming heroics” = don’t want learners to get to practice. Are you trying to get players used to having nothing to do?

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It really isn’t, though. Heroic is faceroll at minimum ilevel. You have to try really hard to die in a Heroic.

How many Dungeons do you think a casual learner will be doing in a day?

This is true, I usually go pretty strong at the start of an expansion, and I don’t see myself doing every single dungeon every single day. Maybe for like the first two days, but that’s quite a bit of content. Especially when you have to travel to the dungeon as well.

I was spamming a lot of heroic dungeons in a day on a number of characters. If you make it awkward and inconvenient enough, you can bring the average down to zero, since that seems to be your justification. How is it good for the game to keep players who need and want practice from getting it?

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LOL bro I’m guessing what Blizz’s rational is just like everyone else. If you want to get to know routes and want to queue over and over just do Normal.

so the article says

Today’s beta War Within build adds a new condition that implies players won’t be able to access Heroic dungeons on Dungeon Finder until Season 1 starts.
This means players will need to walk to the dungeons, similar to what is done for Mythic dungeons.

all this drama over having to form a group and walk to the dungeon? There will be tons of people wanting to do heroic dungeons, and very little gear checking the first couple of weeks. seems like prime time for you to get some experience with player made groups.


From the responses I’m seeing in this thread, I’d guess that Blizzard is going to do this whether or not it works, and if it doesn’t work they’re going to double down and see if they can get a different result by doing more of the same. They want this bad. That’ll fix those noobs, addict them to playing one dungeon a day.

You aren’t on the learning curve, being held back by the effort to put together groups for what is no doubt beneath you. This won’t affect you at all. But I’ve got a smile, because removing RFD in wrath classic doomed it. Too late they ended up having to implement it anyway. They had to port characters that players were told would be perpetually available in Era in the future into Wrath to make it appear it had that participation.

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I’m pretty sure a lot of the drama is about the lockouts. Without the “random” dungeon finder people will be locked out after completing the dungeons.

This is not really a problem for me, as I don’t see myself wanting to do more than the lockouts but I understand the complaint.