Until the start of season 1. But you will be able to access them in the same manner as mythic
This also implies that there will be a lockout that you can’t just random out of.
Until the start of season 1. But you will be able to access them in the same manner as mythic
This also implies that there will be a lockout that you can’t just random out of.
That’s BuzzFeed level of click bait titling. Bravo.
I’m gonna take that as a compliment lol. At least it was truthful in the article
Makes sense since Heroic is the new M0. Putting it in LFD the first couple of weeks would lead to a lot of forum complaints about the difficulty.
That seems like a weird reason, but I guess it’s the only thing that makes sense.
It’s probably to also throttle how many Heroics players can do each day since there’s a daily lockout as you mentioned.
To me it sounds like it would have been easier to just grey out the random finder, if they were wanting to enforce the lockout.
I don’t mind the change I’m just confused slightly by it. Though them not wanting people to hate tww because they consider heroics too hard sounds like a possible reason, but mythic 0 was never that hard.
So you can use LFG for heroic just not until S1 which makes 3 day access pointless
You can still do heroic; you just have to form your own group and go in same as mythic.
Usually, the season doesn’t start for several weeks though so it won’t just be an early access issue.
They’re much harder now with the new design in M+. M0 feels like a plus 10 from prior Seasons. That’s a big jump for your usual LFD crowd.
I am surprised Blizzard can still walk with all the times they shoot themselves in the foot.
That doesn’t make sense to me. M0 was extremely easy even at the start of the xpac, remember how tanks were literally soloing them and running off to narnia in 350 ilvl
This is datamining and hasn’t been implemented yet. Blizzard could easily walk this idea back. The fact that it’s been placed into the game makes it seem likely but not definitely.
The tuning is completely different now. Do you think we would have facerolled a Mythic 10 in questing gear the first week of DF?
I understand why they’re making this change, but I don’t like it. Heroic dungeons are actually going to be useful for once and now they’re making it more of a task to create a group.
Only before season 1 by the sound of it. After season 1 launches a few weeks after the initial launch heroic would become queueable.
We had to manually form groups for M0 tours in the past until M+ opened and this is no different since Heroic is the new M0. This is better though since Heroics only have a one day lockout.
It makes me wonder if m0 will still be available before the start of the season?
Maybe, but that’s for mythic. Now heroic is old m0 which is what I am saying is easy. Heroic dungeons should be available in queue week 1.
On his stream Max from Limit thought we wouldn’t see M0 until the Season begins because of the new tuning.