No lfg for heroic dungeons TWW-datamined

I don’t know how I feel about that. In the grand scheme of things, it won’t really matter, but it’s quite a bit different than what we are used to.

Would they be easy for an LFD group though?

There’s also the issue of Heroic Lockouts which are bypassed by LFD. I have to guess Blizz wants to throttle them.

In the end this is no different than past x-pacs where we were limited to M0 until the Season began. Everyone will be doing their tour of the dungeons so getting a group will be ez.

I’ll be moving on to Mythic dungeons and maybe even some keystones once the early access point ends anyways.

Unless Mythic Dungeons aren’t available from the start which is very likely.

What he’s saying is that the first season is usually almost a month out from the launch. The mythic stuff might not be available till the season starts.

Mythic dungeons were available when Dragonflight released, not when the season started.

this is a massive L for blizzard. i dont do anything other than instanced content.


So they’re really sticking with the whole “Heroic is the new Mythic”, huh?

I’m fine with that I think.

Having both Normal and Heroic dungeons in the state they’ve been in since MoP was incredibly redundant. It served as a gear stepping stone but the difficulty jump between the two modes was basically not a thing.

And the gear stepping stone thing stopped being relevant after WoD (since World Quests and other World Content started becoming more prevalent for early gearing).

M+ came along in Legion and kept dungeon content from being this weird piece of content that became irrelevant after like 2 weeks of a given expansion for anyone who raided, but it didn’t fix the redundancy of Normal and Heroic both existing without being meaningfully different.

So Im fine with this.

All of that said, I think it’s weird that Blizzard keeps enforcing lockouts on lower content while M+, the MOST relevant content to gearing, has absolutely zero lockout. Why even keep the Mythic 0 (and now Heroic) lockout in such an environment? (And why do Raids still function how they do while M+ exists? But that’s a topic for another thread)

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The purpose is to slow down learners from practicing and advancing too fast. Top players will not be impacted at all, but players who need practice to learn will.

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this is just gonna lead to another sub loss like it did in cata when they jacked up the difficulty. will players stay and “get good” no they will just quit and do something else that respects their time. especially since you need heoric gear to even get into lfr.

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I agree. This change is an attempt for Ion and his ilk to prove that the game would have been stronger and more successful if the accounting department hadn’t made devs roll back those changes to dungeons and healers. It’s not a coincidence that these changes happened with the release of Cata classic, which hardly anybody was asking for.

“People would have adapted.” Yeah, they did adapt. Quitting is a type of adaptation.


Surely you can get stuff from Delves or normal world content or there will be some kind of item upgrade system like in DF, no? On top of queueing for Heroics once they become available in the queue, even if there ends up being a lockout.

Heroic Dungeons haven’t been incredibly relevant in the gear ladder for years, has that changed in TWW?

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The Season doesn’t start when Early Access ends though. We had 2 weeks from launch before Season 1 started in DF and we’ll probably see the same thing in TWW.

It’s probable that we we’ll only have Heroic Dungeons until the Season begins.

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What are you talking about?

How does forming groups manually for a couple of weeks have anything to do with “getting good”?

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If I need to practice and get stronger, a weekly lockout is the opposite of helpful.

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Heroics are still a Daily lockout I thought?

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Yes, if they implement this than the heroics would be on a daily lockout, unless they change things of course.

Yeah, I meant the M0, which is where most folks would need to be practicing before moving on

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You won’t have M0 probably until the start of the Season.

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