No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Shernish & Co repeatedly states that all Night Elf citizens should’ve been able to defend Darkshore/Darnasses by virtue of superior physiology with kitchen knives.


And you haven’t taken your own life and presumably not writing your posts from a rubber room? Sir, you are a better man than I.


You do know there’s a search function, yes? I just read through all of Shernish’s posts in your thread again, and Shernish never states that the civilians alone should have been able to defeat the Horde.

The conversation that were brought up were:

The one between Shernish and Droité, where Shernish defended the strength of the Night Elf forces post-Darkshore Warfront, where Tyrande and the Night Elf army had returned, while in contrast the Horde’s forces had been whittled away by the Fourth War. This doesn’t have anything to do with the War of the Thorns.

And the conversation between Shernish and Gantrithor and other posters arguing against the idea that the War of the Thorns was a power fantasy for Horde fans, where the arguments were that it did not go well for the Horde because of the civilians being able to delay the Horde with Malfurion’s help despite the Horde having the eight to one advantage. Here Shernish indeed defended the strength of Night Elf civilians to be able to slow the Horde down, which is entirely within lore as it was presented. Shernish did not however at any point say that the civilians alone without the aid of the Night Elf army should have been able to defeat the Horde.

Shernish even at one point argues against an additional strawman argument that posters were making in claiming that the Night Elf fantasy is one of dominating the world, where Shernish stated that this is not the current Night Elf fantasy at all, but rather:


Great so he did say it thanks for confirming

I did not claim he said they could do it alone, weak attempt at a redirect.


I am not Lenastus and you quoted my post.

I did not quote your post. I quoted Zarrín’s post.

You literally quoted my post responding to me lmao

You misunderstood me. Here’s the full context if you would like to look back for yourself:


Amadis you literally quoted your own post where you are quoting me. Like it’s right there lmao

Yes, you are technically correct, I indeed quoted you, in that you mistakenly defended Lenastus’ lies when you quoted me first quoting Lenastus, which goes back to my originally quoting Zarrín.


No, I responded to you with my own claims of what people did say, which you quoted and then confirmed I was right ultimately.

Great talk.

I’m glad you are aware that no one claimed the civilians should have won the War of the Thorns on their own then. This was indeed a productive conversation.


This has been entirely too much conversation for Zarrin’s bad faith claims, but if anyone besides him is wondering why I simply say “wrong” in response to a bad premise or call out a logical fallacy as such instead of launching into a full rebuttal, you now know.

If that has happened to you: fix your bad premise, or stop using knowingly deficient arguments. We can talk only when you’ve done so. I have no time to waste with you otherwise.

This ring around the rosie crap is what they want. It’s a tactic to either sputter the conversation into meaninglessness, or to simply smear their opponents as extreme so they don’t have to worry about the damage that’s been done to this playable race, and what needs to be done to fix it.

Stop feeding these people.

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People eventually give up in most cases. The likes of Dreadmoore and Baalsamael and Zarrín eventually stop responding when their attempts at twisting conversations don’t work out. As case was here.

Lmao you literally tried to say I was saying the same thing as Zarrin, tried to claim you weren’t quoting/responding to me, and refused to recognize what you said Shenish said was literally exactly what I said he said in my thread

Baal I will exclude. We don’t see eye to eye, but he approaches things from a consistent framework, which is all I ask for. I don’t care if we disagree on what framework to use, so long as there is a consistent base from which commentary is coming.

What I can’t stand are people who abandon their principles or apply them selectively, which faction partisanship encourages people to do - and when it happens, it’s extremely obvious. We’ve seen it here.


Baalsamael is indeed rather consistent. Baalsamael has a pretty reliable pattern of breaking down into "lmao"s and "lol"s and meme pictures and blatantly refuses to acknowledge when he’s wrong when things don’t go the way Baalsamael wants.


He’s also largely about “being right”, he wants that “GOTCHA, i told you so” moment.

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And I already acknowledged that I indeed did literally quote him at one point, so I already gave him that.