No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

You do know there’s a search function, yes? I just read through all of Shernish’s posts in your thread again, and Shernish never states that the civilians alone should have been able to defeat the Horde.

The conversation that were brought up were:

The one between Shernish and Droité, where Shernish defended the strength of the Night Elf forces post-Darkshore Warfront, where Tyrande and the Night Elf army had returned, while in contrast the Horde’s forces had been whittled away by the Fourth War. This doesn’t have anything to do with the War of the Thorns.

And the conversation between Shernish and Gantrithor and other posters arguing against the idea that the War of the Thorns was a power fantasy for Horde fans, where the arguments were that it did not go well for the Horde because of the civilians being able to delay the Horde with Malfurion’s help despite the Horde having the eight to one advantage. Here Shernish indeed defended the strength of Night Elf civilians to be able to slow the Horde down, which is entirely within lore as it was presented. Shernish did not however at any point say that the civilians alone without the aid of the Night Elf army should have been able to defeat the Horde.

Shernish even at one point argues against an additional strawman argument that posters were making in claiming that the Night Elf fantasy is one of dominating the world, where Shernish stated that this is not the current Night Elf fantasy at all, but rather: