No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

That’s a small part time time.

Do you find relaxation in that? I play to relax and unwind.


Hmmm I can still clear delves and it’s more efficient in groups … It isn’t the gatcha you thought either. Trying to claim it’s design was solely for solo play is asinine.

Raid or die has been dead since what legion? Warlords? Try harder with your constant complaining. I doubt ion is a hunter class lead/designer either.

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No, i do believe there is a balance between a job and a personal life. But work again, trancends all boundaries. Work is rewarding. Personal growth is achieved through work. Better relationships with friends, family and even strangers is achieved through work. It’s really not a scary word, and work is something we should all strive to put into anything that interests us or is of value to us. If this is the badge you’d like me to keep, then I gladly will.

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Not all work, not even a lil.


Yes. Studies show that humans are more relaxed when learning or working on something that interests them. It’s the self purpose that humans rely on to keep going. Without purpose, life becomes dark and nihilistic. There’s an old adage that goes " Do what you love and yoy will never work a day in your life." That doesn’t mean you’ll never actually work. Doing things you enjoy and putting work into them generally give you purpose, which gives you meaning.


That’s fine. But what’s not relaxing is working on something that consistently punches you back in the throat.

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Ah but it is. Did you simply nit enjoy doing the work you are speaking of? Then it is of value by showing you things that you shoukd gravitate away from. You gained experience in something, that is rewarding. Often times humans don’t recognize the reward they recieve because it simply isn’t the reward they wan’t. All things you do productively provide value and reward, genrally through work.

Which, by my previous post shows that you have been rewarded with experience, and knowledge that you shouldn’t continue working on that particular thing. Move on to the next.

Yes, M+ people should do exactly that instead of whining about how Delves “force” them to skip low keys.


Never once have I rebutted your right to an opinion. And fair enough, it’s valid. But it doesn’t change the fact that the delve proponents also need to understand the amount of work that their M+ counterparts put in to what they love about the game. I never once tried to silence the complaints from either side.

Shouldn’t need to because pillars should stand on their own. I disagree with your view.

But I respect this.


Why do we need to understand that? If pushing keys and pushing yourself in wow is what you find fun, stick to it. Stop trying to change what I find fun because you “feel forced” to get gear in my progression path.

I used to raid back in Legion and push M+ then as well. I enjoyed it but now I don’t find that aspect of the game as fun anymore. It’s fine that you do. I’ve not once said M+ should be done away with. I just want people like you who “detest the lazy” to stay in your lane, enjoy the content you enjoy and not try to take mine away.


No m+ player cares about how much gear solo delvers get or the ease at which they get it. Hell, we all did that same grind for quicker gearing to help with other content. If anything, the gear helps more than it hurts for those venturing into m+ from delves. It gives them a bigger health pool and more dps relative to their performance. The only thing m+rs care about when coming from solo delves are: can you do your rotation on the move to avoid standing in #^%*, can you interrupt when needed, and can you use a defensive to help the healer out. That’s literally it. Whether or not someone is qualified to enter and where they enter is on the party leader inviting them and that ‘problem’ solves itself by either getting the invite or not. Ion not once referenced any feedback from m+rs in his interview. Again this is what he said:

This is not even a comment about solo delvers but rather the people that want to continue their player progression and feel like there is no incentive for doing anything that doesn’t give an immediate reward. This is a blizz issue wanting to give those players an easier entry if they want to progress instead of just bouncing out. He also literally said they were happy with delves:

  • They are super happy with how delves have become part of the endgame loop

  • Delves have given solo players a chance to get Hero track rewards across the board

  • They are concerned about giving rewards past Hero track as that may undermine motivations for doing group content. We’ll see what the future holds.

Not once was a nerf to delve gear ever mentioned. Stop thinking 4 trolls in this thread are going to be the reason for delve gear getting nerfed because they think delve gear is too rewarding. They literally have zero impact on changes.


Very well, you are allowed to. Just as I am to yours.

Do you not want purpose? Speaking largely outside of the game. Purpose spreads through all aspects of life, and if you aren’t willing to work towards purpose in something as trivial as a game, what does that say about other endeavors? Sure “sweaties” can sometimes take things too far, but their passion is the translation of their self purpose. Direction. Why would one not want to understand that, and lead a miserable life of neurotic nihilism?

The game is both of our lane. You can speak on raiding and M+. I can speak on delves. That is discourse.

The content would remain the same no? And I even stated I’d be fine with buffing m+ to leave delves alone. There just has to be a logical sense to it.

I’d rather gear come from content that I play. Delves hurt m+. It makes m+ less fun.

No they don’t. You don’t have to gear through delves to do m+. It’s just another way to aquire some pieces and speeds up the process.

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People opt for most efficient route, and thus m+ became less fun esp cause we had stockpiled keys and no content.

No it didn’t. You would have had a lot less fun grinding out the m+ gear and leveling it to get to 606 in the first place. Yes players take the efficient route which is why you did delves in the first place. Doesn’t have anything to do with the thread either way