It hurts their fragile ego. They can’t stand to see solo players get anything.
I think Delves and M+ should remain separate things. No one is forcing anyone to run Delves and skip the first 7 levels of M+. If people want to do that, that’s on them. If people think Delves are too easy, there is nothing stopping them from running M+ and skipping delves for the challenge. Not everyone enjoys running timed content week after week.
Agreed fully, I’m not sure why Blizzard seems intent on forcing M+ as Retails flagship content. Run Delves, M+, Raids and Rated PvP content as parallel content paths that are separate from each other and not dependent on one another…
Trying to balance Delves around M+ will kill Delves in favor of M+ I have zero doubt, it’s a completely different set of players.
Honestly I think this is a total BS complaint too. Nobody is skipping the lower level keys with their delve gear because they’re getting declined over IO score
Maybe the only exception being somebody’s alt being rushed through with their friends, but that’s not really affecting pugs either.
I dint think they’re gonna lower what’s happening now anyways. They basically said as much. At worst they might buff everything except delve loot.
I would like to see them make a use for the 9-11 tiers though.
Generally we just despise lazy people. Expecting to put forth 30% effort for 100% reward, is indeed lazy. Want the reward? Put in the effort.
we playing video games
it’s what we do with our lazy time.
I don’t think the majority of high-end players care if Solo-players could get Myth track vault rewards from Delves since realistically, they would never interact with those players in 90% of scenarios; they might as well not exist for them. If anything the only reason they’d be upset about is the potential of adding another chore to the list of things to do to maximize gear gains because we have this addiction doing things to make “number go up” even if we don’t like it. Thing is though, unless they buffed the number crests awarded from delves, I don’t think it would be possible for a solo only player to get to max ilvl from delves because, assuming vault is giving 1/6 myth track, a solo player would need to spam an absurd amount of delves to gain the needed crests to get the 1230 crests (roughly 14 weeks) to upgrade all their gear to 639 with two 636 crafted items.
Like let’s be honest here: it’s not decent gear compared to other forms of content. It is decent compared to what you were able to get previously if you were a solo player not touching M+ or Raids, but I really don’t think it’s that game breaking given people that people who started doing keys the moment the season started blew past delve only and non-mythic raiders as weeks went on. Anybody who thinks delves awards too much gear are trolls at this point or just flat out crazy people imo.
I don’t they ever envisioned players to sit in Delves for weeks until they were 610+ as a means to get into M+. And thing is that ramp is present: it’s just doing keys lower that +7 to learn what is going on in the dungeons. There’s two issues for a 610+ ilvl player doing low keys though. The first is that it is completely unappealing for somebody to do content that not going to offer a tangible reward. The second is that doing keys that you overgear don’t challenge a player to provide learning experiences that are need to succeed in harder difficulty. At a +3 with higher ilvl, you can probably can afford to get by some avoidable damage and survive it or you can easily get away with not using a defensive for a certain boss ability but then you do a +7 and are unable to survive it.
I think the key squish is largely irrelevant since this same issue would largely play out same way assuming M+ awards were places equivalent key levels using the old system.
They said they’re perfectly fine with Delves as they are now so I doubt they would nerf the awards.
I’m also gonna throw this out there: I think occurrence of solo only players who farmed delves for the first 3-4+ weeks without touching M+ or Raids getting invited to +7 keys is a hyperbolic situation. Anybody with a pulse would think twice about inviting a player with 610+ ilvl with no IO score unless it’s an alt and they are highly enough progressed on their main with achievements to link; even then it’s not likely they’d get invited because it’s no guarantee that they play just as good on their alt as they do on their main. This is even more so when talking about tanks or healers.
See. Hurts their fragile egos.
I do think you’re right about this. The majority don’t care. You just have a few whiny elitists with such fragile egos they can’t stand it. I do think they’re in the minority.
That’s definitely a person problem and not a valid reason to take away from the solo player’s progression path.
See thats where we do infact differ. I consider it a hobby, and all hobbies require some form of effort to get better at. To be lazy at a hobby means to never be good at it. For example, perhaps another hobby i have is billiards. If i dont practice that hobby, my team members probably wont want me on the team.
Meh, call it what you wish. I just prefer not to coddle the lazy.
I don’t even think it’s an elitist issue; I think they’re just people who want to be mad at something.
I don’t think it is either, but that would significantly upend the game’s balance and effect the player base for the worse, which is why I think they capped the gear you can acquire from delves. This game already favors those who can no-life this game considerably, and people struggle with trying to fit in 8 +10s a week while sticking to a 2 or 3-night raid schedule; it’s part of the reason that delves were a welcome addition for those who want progression but lack a lot of time to play and can’t commit to schedule playing or engaging in timed content. Imagine then gulf between those who can acquire 9 myth track vault slots weekly since you’re statistically more likely to get something usable every week with more options. Then, at that point, Delves become mandatory for Mythic raiding to remain competitive and to account for the speed of gear acquisition and power, they would need to tune the boss harder and we’d potentially end up with a Mythic Tindral/Fyrakk situation like season 3; Heroic would also probably become more difficult as well. The pug scene would also become much more needlessly selective and exclusionary (read: toxic) than it already is for players who aren’t able to live in this game 24/7 and adhere to the standards set by players who can.
The only way I can envision they can expand Delve’s progression meaningfully without it affecting the rest of the game too much is by having Delve gear function like PvP gear, which scales stronger in delves but still retains use in PvE content. An example would be that full bis Delve gear at 639 would be like 626 in PvE or something; that way, it’s still substantially beneficial for any delve player to dip their toes in raiding and M+ without causing players to massively out-gear lower-level content that is meant to teach the fundamentals. It also would add a more meaningful sense of prestige to solo delve players who manage to get to that level, something that some M+ or Mythic raider cannot just waltz in and get compared to somebody who dedicated their time and effort to something they love. That would also allow for Delve’s relative difficulty curve to remain the same as you progress. It being specifically for Delves also means some of the time gating aspects like limits on the number of keys you can get in a week, the number of Coffer Key Shards needed per key being halved, or being able to do a Bountiful Delve twice in a day under certain conditions (random item from the coffer or something).
We’d then have prestige across three categories at both ends of the spectrum of skill: PvP (Unrated and Rated) content, Group PvE (Raids and M+), and Solo (World Quests and Delves).
Or I might be cooked from Mythic Silken Court prog, and I should be kicked out of the kitchen, IDK.
It’s a video game where you’re sitting on your rear and pushing keyboard buttons. The irony of this statement is astounding.
Oh yea, I’m more than happy with the current delve gear. Champion from the end (limited by keys) and one 616 a week in the vault.
I definitely get that. I’m not one of the ones wanting myth track from delves. I will say, I’m not opposed to it but it’s not something I’d rally behind.
No amount of repeating this assertion you can’t possibly prove will make it true. There have been many people giving the reasons why delve gear being this far out of balance with other PvE modes is bad for the game overall which has nothing to do with anyone’s ego. If that gear only worked in delves, truly very few people would care. It’s the impact from being able to take that gear into grouped PvE modes that creates the issue.
Just so you know, you’ll find the same toxic attitudes in Delves. And I really hate doomsaying.
People being toxic is neither a Mythics or a Delves problem. It’s a community problem. Always has been.
Nun ya…/10chars
I’m solo in a delve, please explain to me what toxic attitude I am using on myself so I can become a better human being.
I play solo
Well Brann and I, but he’s not mean or toxic to me.