No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We’ll miss him

gear progression has an endpoint, and giving rewards earlier either leaves a really steep curve to climb to the next reward point or takes away rewards from the top.

Real issue is delves give too much gear.

It’s like elevating rewards from LFR to normal/heroic.

not really farmable in the sense that every time Zek shows up you get a map.

He’s not dropped one for me in ages.

I’m starting to think he doesn’t drop them anymore

That is not a guarantee, he has visited me sometimes and mostly I have not seen a map.

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right, thats what I said :slight_smile:

You did, I just want others who THINK a map is guaranteed to know, it is not. :smiley:

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yea, the drops rates are really bad.

I’m not getting them from chests or from Zek.

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I do around 12 delves a week. I haven’t had a map in about 6 weeks at least. That’s with Zek popping up once every couple of weeks maybe, if I am lucky.


I fill the delve row for about 2-3 alts a week and have maybe seen 6 total maps across those characters the past month.

Maps are a horribly unreliable way to farm hero track gear.

Video or it didn’t happen.

I look at both Delves and M+ 100% as different tracks.

Delves are a way for solo players or those players who don’t like M+ to gear up and/or gear up to start raiding. These stop giving a level of gear at a certain point

M+'s are a way for grouped players who enjoy timed dungeons to gear up and/or gear up to start raiding. These continue to give out higher gear w/higher keys unlike Delves.

Both start at low levels and progress (keys or delves).

These both can coexist and are doing so nicely. But I do expect for MicroActaBlizz to detect fun and enjoyment and destroy it.


The game is a mmo and not a solo adventure like Skyrim.
While you should be able to play however you want (you can and always will be able) a path to mythics makes complete sense.
Delves are a low stakes/pressure environment where players dip their toes into and learn to manage more challenging fight mechanics. The natural progression once comfortable is challenging mechanics as a dungeon group.

No. Delves are their own endgame pillar (there is actually an achievement that point-blank says this in its title).

That’s like saying getting good at Rated PvP is a progression path to Mythics. That doesn’t make sense and neither does your example.

The natural progression path for challenging dungeon content is easier dungeons → harder dungeons. You don’t learn dungeon mechanics in Delves.


If you say so :joy:

Besides Zekvir ?? where is the pillar?
More of a pedestal than a pillar

You’re managing groups of enemies doing unique abilities without the pressure of a time limit or a group to let down or a key to brick
If you don’t see the path you have your eyes closed

PvP to PvE is apples to oranges

Blizzard has said so as well. Sorry you chose to ignore that.

What are you arguing?
You can just do delves if just doing delves floats your boat.
I did delves. Delves are fun.
I did all delves on 11, Z??, and I am an Immortal Splunker lol
I can also see where delves lead for the ambitious player.
Delves are also a great indicator for whether you’re playing an alt well enough to start doing mythics.
What are we disagreeing on again?

anytime delves and m+ is mentioned in the same sentence someone flips out lol


And you can just do dungeons if dungeons float your boat.

Delves and M+ should not influence each other. Period.

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I suspect.
How are they influencing one another aside from one gearing up one’s skill/experience to make the more difficult of the two less of a leap?
Do you think they should have a third type of armor? PVP, PVE and delve to establish a wall between them?
I’m so lost as to WTF you are saying friend :rofl:
Delves just compliment and lend themselves to smoother transition into mythics is all I was trying to say
You can do one, the other, both, neither.
That’s all player choice and forced upon no one

But they do. You can try to bury your head in the sand and pretend like because they are both marketed as endgame pillars that Blizzard should turn a blind eye to any overlap players choose to create between them. But unless Blizzard gives one or both the PVP gear treatment, it would be design suicide to not address the times when one has an impact on the other. It’s not like raid and M+ don’t constantly result in changes for the other, despite being endgame pillars.

And before you say it, I’m not asking for delves to be changed in any way. But just because I think the problems that exist for M+ from the structure of delve rewards relative to their difficulty should be solved on the M+ side doesn’t mean delves aren’t contributing to the problem. I’m happy Blizzard released delves, but if they hadn’t, it’s likely 2-8 keys would have gone smoother for the groups that wanted to run M+ this season.