No ground mount in dawnbreaker?

just curious if this is how its supposed to be or an error. seems weird that we can only use flying mounts. party mate went to repair and noticed it lol.

Most instances, you can’t mount at all.

With the Dawnbreaker instance, flying is a critical mechanic so they enabled that, and specifically only that, because you have no idea how much whining you’d get if ground mounts were available and players started plummeting to the ground on the back of a horse because they or the mount button glitched and selected a ground mount. Meanwhile, flying mounts work just fine on the ground if you want.

Blizzard made the anti-trolling choice here.

so basically you have no idea if its an actual design choice and you’re just is there a blue post backing this up or no? not being able to ground mount in an instance where mounting is available is just weird hence why i would like to know if it was done on purpose since that isnt their usual mo

Of course I’m speculating. There is no developer statement on the matter and there never will. The devs explain nothing.

So all you could possibly expect for explanation is player speculation. I think my speculation is on solid ground, but if you think you’re going to get anything else, get used to disappointment.

I am already on a blue proto drake and it tells me no ground mounts allowed in the dungeon. It also blocks you in the mount tab to choose another. All are red and unclickable. Since flying is such a big part of this dungeon, kinda important you can mount. It’s not just you, the other speculation is not it. Good Luck

speculation is useless in a topic such as this. thats why i posted it in the bug report section. if i wanted peoples opinions i would post in the the general forums where such posts belong. instead i posted in the bug forums where i would prefer concrete info. if there is none then dont reply.

If you posted in the Bug Report forum with the expectation that you would get a Blizzard response, you were mistaken. The only Blizzard employees who read this forum work for QA, and their only job is to validate reported bugs and forward them to the developers’ work ticket system. If a player reports a bug but doesn’t provide enough information for QA to begin investigating, QA might post to solicit more detail.

But developers don’t read here at all, and no matter which subforum, they don’t disclose their reasons for the things that happen in the game. If something is a bug, generally the first you’ll have confirmation it is a bug is when you see it’s been changed. If it’s intentional, it’ll stay unchanged with zero community feedback.

except they have done the exact opposite on several occasions and have admitted to things not being right and indeed a bug. so this idea that it they dont is just a plain lie. it may be rare but it does happen. that being said i also dont care about peoples opinions on a design philosophy for a company they dont work for in a bug report forum. if it was said in a blue post then cool but if its your opinion take it to the general forums i only want facts here.

Well, enjoy your wait then.

im not sitting here holding my breath over it but people spreading misinformation in a bug forums is just silly.

FWIW, it looks like Blizzard is addressing the specific example of a useful ground mount in the instance (repair mount) in another way:

Instead of allowing ground mounts to permit the use of repair vendors, they added a repair anvil. Sounds like a deliberate decision to me.

looks like it. still a weird way to do it.

No disagreement, really. Maybe they really were worried about the volume of complaints if they allowed ground mounts and careless players started diving off the airship. (Support impact is a big consideration. Choosing between something which will increase the Customer Support burden and something which will not, basically. They’ll always choose the option which impacts CS less because CS costs money.)