Dungeon Fixes Ahead of Mythic+

We’re currently working on some updates to Dungeon encounters that we’ll implement before Mythic+ gets underway.

Mists of Tirna Scithe

  • Mistcaller
    • Addressed an issue where Dodgeball was inflicting damage to unintended targets.

Ara-kara, City of Echoes

  • Ki’katal the Harvester
    • Erupting Webs
      • Stun duration reduced to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
      • Damage reduced by 18%.
      • Grasping Blood is now susceptible to interrupt effects.

Siege of Boralus

  • Players can now use both Alliance and Horde portal to enter the dungeon.
  • Leaving Siege of Boralus now puts players at the correct exit location based on their factions.
  • Jaina Proudmoore now teleports players to the correct exit location based on their factions.
  • Chopper Redhook
    • Added various visual improvements for the encounter.


  • There is now a Worn Anvil to repair next to Arathi Lamplighter on the Dawnbreaker.

Hi Kaivax. Can we expect any more delve tuning tonight or tomorrow?


So does this mean grasping blood is more easily killable now? It was borderline impossible on M0 and have yet to get a clear cause its so chaotic and if the blood doesn’t die in like 10 seconds you were dead.

These hotfixes are so underwhelming…


Pretty much the slogan for TWW so far.


You’re supposed to cc them…

Too little too late
No interest for M+ in S1 with the atrocious dungeon line up + Dawnbreaker worst dungeon ever


Stuns, knockbacks, knockups, and any kind of hard CC or root break freed you from the bloods.

This change is just letting interrupts free you as well, it won’t kill it but it will let you move again.

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Please fix the underlight angler.

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Throwing it out there…,

the hitbox for the hook shot mechanic used by Stitch Flesh’s Construct to pull Stitch Flesh into play seems rather big. I see people accidently being in the way blocking the shot, when they are virtually very far from what seems to make sense. I’d look into it.

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It is wild that a dungeon needs a repair inside xD



It made me laugh seeing that, basicly they saying We notice ya all die here alot. but we are not changing anything get good and here have a repair anvil lol.


The dungeon really isn’t hard once you figure it out

Main problem is it doesn’t really make it easy to figure out at first


Oh I know, but I still find it funny. A lot of words was said with just an addition of an anvil.

What about spells that can’t be cast after chasing Rasha’nan in dawnbreaker? Balance druid can’t cast Fury of Elune after chasing and it will cause balance to not get pick even more for m+ if this is left not fixed

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This fight sucks as disc, no int and my only way out is on a 45 second CD. Guess I’ll just DPS it…

Don’t forget pet classes, I’ll avoid inviting them as well cause pets are a mess on the boats.

There’s 4 other people in the group, say something

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The line of site issue still isnt fixed on this in the first part when boarding the dawnbreaker

Really good change. This provides more specs with ways to get out of the root.

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lol what?

They weren’t impossible to kill and even then you just need to use a root break or stun to break the root.