No GM's and Bad servers

Yesterday: Activision Blizzard video games laid off 190 people (over 1,000 have been laid off in the last two years)
Today: Its CEO got a $200 million bonus on top of his $30 million annual pay.

190 people at $200k (salary plus benefits plus per-employee overhead) = $38m per year.

Board: “Look he just reduced costs which increases shareholder revenue let’s give him a bonus!”

Then pays him a bonus exceeding FIVE YEARS of these supposed savings.

Makes sense.


Another spam thread of someone completely uninformed on the situation or how corporate bonuses work.


Capitalism. Where everyone is valued equally :slight_smile:


You are CERTAINLY informed on these hot issues. What a pro!

Maybe you should start your own gaming company and make all the right, moral choices. You could put evil Blizzard out of business entirely with your legendary business acumen!

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Is it spam? I see a few posts with a TON of upvotes, yet the content is being hidden…

Hmmmmm… You sound like a shill bro. How much they paying you


And that’s just in the past couple of hours. So sure, tell me again how the fifth thread in a couple of hours on the same exact subject isn’t spam. :+1:

Oh of course… complaining about this spam topic and the completely lack uninformed rhetoric must mean someone is a shill! :roll_eyes:

You know nothing about me. Try doing some research before you make an uninformed thread to go along with all of the other ones.



That’s not exactly true. We know you would rather be here at the forums arguing about this nonsense than playing the actual game. Hold on, I’m gonna go look up 30 links to prove my point. No wait, I could farm some cloth instead.

But still… 200 million? A guy shoveling coal does more work in a day than he does in a month.

Heading out to farm cloth… (poof)



This was written into his contract in 2016. Not related to the layoffs. Granted, very poor timing in regard to PR, but completely unrelated.

So who’s alt are you? It’s funny that you open with this, the ever loving want of forum likes for what validation? Do you really think how many likes people gets means anything when they can literally like their own posts on alts like you now?

Or like you make another thread fishing for an ego boost?

Most don’t support it but understand it, which I am darn sure you know since you view that heart metric much like Blizz views time played.

you’re telling me the servers are a lawless land right now?

Yes. It’s spam and adds absolutely nothing of value to any discussion.

If you are unhappy with blizzards business practices, put on your big boy pants, put your money where your mouth is and unsubscribe.

Making childishly uninformed rage posts on the forums of a company you are supporting won’t accomplish anything.

Do you get this mad every time a company restructures? You must spend a, lot of time angry about things that you can’t change and have 0 impact on your life.

You do you, though

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Uh oh, I am gonna need a bodyguard.

Owns the BFA digital deluxe edition, pays 15 a month to play game and talk on forums… Weird to call people a shill


Another of these threads


All these high school level takes

We get it, you’re against the machine and down with capitalism


Keep giving them your sub and go away

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Absolutely fair that as stake holders in the game we have the right to question the direction of the company that seems to be breaking record profits but having horrible service at the same time

Server lag for 3 months, 2 days on GMs giving what feels like automated responses, seemingly no CMs in sight

Deplorable state of affairs

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Could you ,op, connect the dots on what you are referring to ? Other than that this is completely useless with the title to the thread.

You aren’t a stake holder unless you own stocks. You are a consumer.

You should give away all your gold, delete your characters, and unsub in protest!

Go ahead, be a trend setter!