No gender character toon

Go ahead, Frost DKs are getting 2h weapons back anyways even though they are so much cooler with dual wielding one handers :unamused:

May I introduce you to our diversity mega thread which has more than 1500 posts and has been locked for more than a dozens times?

It’s currently unlocked so you can do as you please, before it gets locked again:

And if I can recall we technically aren’t choosing male/female. Isn’t it male symbol/female symbol?

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What’s wrong with representation in the game?

Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t make gender identification vanish

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i saw the title and was like imma slap somebody, read op’s post and thought some people just shouldn’t exist.

Yeah I dug my own grave on this one for sure although I do agree with Kruts about representan though I should have posted in the diversity thread

 make a male character and identify to other players as a female. Problem solved. But wait, you want to be genderless. Make a male character, say you’re genderless.

That’s kind of a hateful thing to say

Are you proposing that non-binary people shouldn’t exist?

Any LGBT related topic is going to be burned and beat into oblivion in this forum lol.

I just wish you aren’t getting suspended for this.

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Only two genders exist unless you go through a genetic mutation and end up having both or missing it completely and often times theres surgery to fix it. The genetic mutation is not something to praise or put into video games as a choice, if anything its discriminating to those who go through the genetic mutation. This whole movement about 1,000 genders and how people feel is ridiculous and they need therapy and tons of help.


I am just curious, where do you stop inclusivity?

This may be my 3rd strike. It was nice knowing you guys. You’ve helped me through some rough times

You don’t.

Is this a troll or is this your serious answer?

Why would you try to exclude anyone?

That’s a bigoted outlook and very narrow-minded.

Gender is fluid whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

Try to look at it from another person’s perspective and employ empathy while doing so.

Except he is. He stated they need help. That could be his version of empathy.

Biology & science isn’t bigoted though

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Its a delusional view point to think gender fluid is a thing, a mental illness. If someone was going around saying they were the reborn hitler and because you are you should follow in his footsteps i bet you would have a completely different mind set. Its hard to feel empathy and bad for someone who lashes out to anyone who says different. If anything I know how it feels to be bullied and shunned for being different because I have aspergers not some made up thing.


Psychology is part of the sciences and should not be excluded from the equation.